Gold Quest should be available on weekly basis...i.e. Every Sunday

Considering the amount of gold needed to progress and upgrade champs in the game is not adequate. Why Gold quest is not being introduced on regular basis and why its becoming a rare commodity to upgrade the champions.
Gold Quest should be available on weekly basis...i.e. Every Sunday 180 votes
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Yes, gold is everywhere but not in accurate proportion... Consider it in larger prospect.. Cheers
Need resolution to the problem...
Play more arena. Boom, problem resolved.
Then what about people who work tedious jobs and don't have enough time to grind the arena. I'm sure if everyone was jobless no one would complain about gold because they can always grind . Having a gold quest every Sunday or every two weeks helps a lot of people.
100% agreed... People with regular and tedious jobs.. Cant grind much or even nothing...
Bro.. At least cast your vote... We respect your decision and choice...
Good suggestion bro...if players are getting good amount of gold.. It doesn't matter what event or quests it should be...end result should be... LOTS OF GOLD $$$$$
Bro... I respect your opinion but we can share and drive our opinion through these forums and a good source of asking other players to express their views as well. If you have read initial guidelines to post a topic... Kabam team do review each post and express their thoughts on it.. Its just that it may take some time for them to bring everyone on same page internally ...and get the request implemented. My focus is to get maximum votes for the poll... So that kabam team provides resolution to less gold availability for players who all are in tedious jobs and cannot grind arena for longer time.
A better idea may be to increase the gold in other areas of the game.
1. Increase the amount of gold issued from arena crystals doing so would cut down the amount of time players would have to grind the arena Not everyone has 10+ hours per week to grind arena
2. Increase the gold awards in the monthly quest
3. Increase the gold mastery percentage to 40% at max 5 points so if a player wants gold they have to move points around
4. If a gold event is the way to go then it should be a monthly event not weekly with complete exploration netting 1.5M in gold
5. Take away the battle chip and gold requirements from all Maps under Map 6. Just leave it as a loyalty requirement
It doesn’t really matter if there is an over abundance of gold in the game, but it does matter if it is time consuming to obtain
Yes, we agree with you bro... Only hand full of members in game are having very high amount of gold.. And most of them are big time arena grinders...Seatin and other youtubers are also struggling but not sure why they are not raising this issue in their videos...
That's absurd. I have 11 million gold and I only do milestones in arena. Arena grinders have much more than that. It's gone up and down but I haven't been low on gold since the first (and best) gold realm.
Bro... You are lucky to have enough time to grind for all milestones.. But majority of people don't have enough time due to busy schedules and can't achieve all milestones but wanted to progress in game... Playing other content like monthly quest, story and other events are not rewarding enough gold and alpha 1 to upgrade 5 star characters... Considering the current state of the game, five and six star champs are the future.. Upgrading a 4 star will not going to help in upcoming time...Thinking about the mcoc community and players.. We should have permanent resolution to this problem...
5/50 4* Champs will still be very useful until the end of the year at least. By that time I suspect a larger number of players will have 5/65 5* and a very select few will have r3 6*
1 yr in this game is like 12 normal years
Weekly halls of healing would be great addition.. But currently gold is bigger problem...