@12345firewall10 they will get him tomorrow from a basic crystal. They will get the units buy buying several Odins, which will in turn give them the luck they need. I hope that helps.
Well I saved up for 6 featureds at blade, got him and duped him, he’s not actually that great as I don’t have ghost rider, I use my sparky for more, the best thing about him is that he’s made magik not that great defender so now I get to use my r4 5* for offence, she’s a beast
@GroundedWisdom what makes you say that? He's clearly asking when they will get him, and whence they will get the required units and luck. I don't see what everyone is so confused about lol
oh wait .. don't nerf blade ...
but I don't have blade ..
how do I get blade?
Will you nerf blade?
I guess you know what I am trying to say right?
ok thanks
What champ are you going after?
He’s weaker than carnage and sentry.