Champions Rework schedule suggestion

S'up Guys,
So, i've been playing Mcoc for a few months now and by watching some cristal openings on youtube and my alliance i see that a lot of people when get someone like iron man or the buster of hulks, A.K.A best character in the game!! it just sucks man, they just want to quit it. so why not to put in some more effort and do like two releases of new champions as usual plus de rework of two old champs per month? Like most of the players i don't want to play a game where when i get a champ i just think "arena points." i'm not asking for 30 god tiers but for all the champs to be usefull for at least one thing(as they should). The game now got so complex with the new mechanics and nodes and this made a lot of champs obsolete like iron man, ciclops and many others because of their simpler habilities, so why not to give some love to the old school? like u did to the blue jeans boy and Red Hulk? Guess that's all, keep up the good work!! wish you guys the best.
So, i've been playing Mcoc for a few months now and by watching some cristal openings on youtube and my alliance i see that a lot of people when get someone like iron man or the buster of hulks, A.K.A best character in the game!! it just sucks man, they just want to quit it. so why not to put in some more effort and do like two releases of new champions as usual plus de rework of two old champs per month? Like most of the players i don't want to play a game where when i get a champ i just think "arena points." i'm not asking for 30 god tiers but for all the champs to be usefull for at least one thing(as they should). The game now got so complex with the new mechanics and nodes and this made a lot of champs obsolete like iron man, ciclops and many others because of their simpler habilities, so why not to give some love to the old school? like u did to the blue jeans boy and Red Hulk? Guess that's all, keep up the good work!! wish you guys the best.