Stuck at RoL Wolvie even with Guillotine.

started the fight with 4 souls , could use only 1 sp2 with 2 souls on. Then 3 remaining souls gone at once. No way to get back those souls now, how to get past this guy?
Other team members - quake, gp, magik, icebro
what kind of skill? I mean what should I aim for in this fight? I'm clueless atp.
Best you can probably do is pop low level revives on Guilly. Add just a few pots to get her up to about 30% health and go back in. There's no need to use a bunch of pots on her when this is the only fight you need her for.
Keep at it though. It's pretty smooth sailing after that.
YES! I knew there was something that I was missing or forgetting. That's exactly right. I remember doing that now.
Good call.
that was a very good note by him. Thanks for your inputs too. Didn't used any potion on guilly, just 20% revived 2 times. Next 2 fights will be of gp's now.
By the time you see this hopefully you've beaten ROL. Congrats.
Seriously, its the only guaranteed method that costs cheap. It took me a few goes to get it right but it is almost the funniest thing you will ever see in MCOC.
yes it is done. Rest 2 fights were gp's cakewalk.