Noticed a New Trend of Cheating During Alliance Wars

Hi Folks,

My Alliance isn't very strong; but we have over 90% participation in most events. This means that our Alliance Defense is Almost entirely filled, though mostly with 1000+ to 5000+ Defenders. Room Bosses are usually around 40,000+; and mini-bosses around 10,000+. However, with a low War Rating of less than 1000; our opponents are not too far mismatched, and the Opposing Alliances are usually within a similar power bracket.

In the last few War events, I have seen certain opponent players swim thorugh the first 2 or 3 stages of our Defense Lineup without losing any health; or very little health. These Defenders may not have been the strongest opponents; but a Level 40 Summoner using a 2000+ Cosmic Champion cannot defeat Four ot Five different enemies only sustaining 5-10% health damage.

However, a few Tiles away from the Boss, or right before they fight the Boss; they seem to be losing their awesome gameplay suddenly. They get K.O.ed; lose health, and somehow manage to defeat the Boss. This means that they must be using some form of modification during those initial stages; practically swimming though, and winning at the final stage (apparently fairly).

I have some detailed screenshots of this, and I have mentioned this in my complaint (which I submitted today). However, such detail is impossible in the current compliant system interface that we have right now.

However, this post is for others to keep a note of such instances, and include such information / details in their complaint submissions as well. I have come to understand that this topic regarding any third party software or modifications is rather sensitive in the Forum; but I hope I have only provided some workable information that will help others.

Also, Do you feel that Kabam should improve it's system for submitting compiants regarding cheating? Isn't the current interface entirely outdated compared to the rest of the game?



  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,442 ★★★★★
    Can be done. NOT thah hard.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Sounds like most normal wars, the first half of the map is easy, apart from lane 6
  • SiddharthC58SiddharthC58 Member Posts: 11
    @Speeds80 .. I know it should be easy for someone with much higher champions.. but if you read above:-

    I cannot believe that a 2000+ Cosmic Champion can take down 4 or 5 Different Class Chamipons (between levels 1000+ and 5000+) losing ONLY 5-10% health.

    Also, They start to lose this awesome winning streak in the last few tiles to the Boss. Even when those (apart from the mini-boss) were not too far above 2000+ or 3000+ power levels. Their game would be more or less consistent.
  • SiddharthC58SiddharthC58 Member Posts: 11
    @Speeds80 ... In addition.. If Lane 6 is the Extreme Left or Right of the map; then my case is even more prominent to my post. Most of these cheating players seem to prefer the extreme left of the Map.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,778 ★★★★★
    @Speeds80 ... In addition.. If Lane 6 is the Extreme Left or Right of the map; then my case is even more prominent to my post. Most of these cheating players seem to prefer the extreme left of the Map.

    Prepare for this post to get shut down but just because someone takes down your champs doesn't mean that they are cheating. Do you not realize you can heal back up or revive if needed? You can use boosts that you can buy with loyalty or the other health/attack boosts. You can't see what they are doing with their items on the other side. There is also skill factor as well. Because you can't do it doesn't mean someone else can't.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Lane 6 is right hand side in the centre cluster, What cosmic champ were they? With Hyperion it’s easy, and he has healing, Angela also has healing and she is very good, really think you’re clutching at straws, the fact they are dying on the harder nodes doesn’t support your theory at all, there is a one hit kill hack which it’s possible they could be using and could be cheating, but just because they aren’t losing much life on those defenders doesn’t mean anything, the far right and far left are the easiest lanes by design. And demonsfyre makes a good point, people use potions after fights and you cant see that happening
  • Brew_SwayneBrew_Swayne Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Hi Folks,
    This means that our Alliance Defense is Almost entirely filled, though mostly with 1000+ to 5000+ Defenders.

    Sounds like there's a pretty big gap between your strongest players and weakest players if you've got that much disparity in defender rating, and that's definitely going to make war more difficult for your team as a whole.
    In the last few War events, I have seen certain opponent players swim thorugh the first 2 or 3 stages of our Defense Lineup without losing any health; or very little health. These Defenders may not have been the strongest opponents; but a Level 40 Summoner using a 2000+ Cosmic Champion cannot defeat Four ot Five different enemies only sustaining 5-10% health damage.

    However, a few Tiles away from the Boss, or right before they fight the Boss; they seem to be losing their awesome gameplay suddenly. They get K.O.ed; lose health, and somehow manage to defeat the Boss. This means that they must be using some form of modification during those initial stages; practically swimming though, and winning at the final stage (apparently fairly).

    Or....maybe it means that your opponents are not challenged by weaker defenders on the weaker nodes near the beginning of the map, but then run into trouble against stronger opponents on stronger nodes towards the end of the map.
    Also, Do you feel that Kabam should improve it's system for submitting compiants regarding cheating? Isn't the current interface entirely outdated compared to the rest of the game?

    No. There's an option in game to report suspected cheaters. What improvements would you like them to make to it in order to "modernize" it?
  • BigTimeBigTime Member Posts: 246 ★★
    It just doesn’t seem like you understand how the nodes even work. The first set of nodes are easier. The latter nodes are harder and if you are taking advantage of the node and champion matchups they should be much harder.

    Nothing fishy is going on when players are dying on the harder nodes. Would you place strong champions on weak nodes or stronger nodes? Ever notice nodes closer to the minis and boss are stronger?

    You are making it sound like a 100% power gain or stun immune node is as difficult as a node with basic buffs like 150% health.
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    This isn't about nodes (or the lack of understanding about nodes).

    This is another individual who allegedly filed a complaint to support simply because they lost again. I won't be surprised weeks from now when everyone has forgotten about this thread that there would be another thread complaining that Kabam doesn't do anything about cheaters.

    He claimed in this forum that his last few opponents were using some sort of cheat mod to plow through the easier defenders, turns off the cheat mod when they get closer to the tougher defenders, and then turns it back on against the final boss defender.

    What kind of brainless opponents would do something dumb like that? Cheats when it is easy then plays legit when it gets difficult?
  • SiddharthC58SiddharthC58 Member Posts: 11
    @ VandalSavage .. we have lost only one war in this context; winning three others.

    I guess using the hack on the lower level players saves their health for the tougher fights. If they used it on the bosses or mini-bosses and still lost no health; that would be quite obvious.

    Note, the mention here is not the using of cheating software (which we all know) but in fact the change in HOW such software is being used
  • ArmyBratArmyBrat Member Posts: 87
    If they are using the right champion it is completely possible. Don't underestimate the abilities of other players due to your own shortcomings. I would advise working within your own alliance to help people get better.
  • 420sam420sam Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Why hasn't this thread been shut down? Seems pretty obvious that only option is to report the other alliance and move on. But I have to agree with the majority of the opinions in this thread...seems like there is no cheating occurring.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Honestly, I dont see that there could be any cheating here.

    I can usually reach the miniboss on full health and get wrecked with a couple of stupid moves.
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    @Speeds80 .. I know it should be easy for someone with much higher champions.. but if you read above:-

    I cannot believe that a 2000+ Cosmic Champion can take down 4 or 5 Different Class Chamipons (between levels 1000+ and 5000+) losing ONLY 5-10% health.

    Also, They start to lose this awesome winning streak in the last few tiles to the Boss. Even when those (apart from the mini-boss) were not too far above 2000+ or 3000+ power levels. Their game would be more or less consistent.

    Possible I've done it before no mods just need to know how to Dodge well though I usually beat the boss node like that too
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    Also they probably use boosts and they wear off at the end
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  • FintechFintech Member Posts: 178 ★★★
    We faced a cheating alliance today who one-shotted bosses, minibosses and some regular defenders in seconds and with very little or no health lost. They also time outed a few times on purpose, propably to make it less obvious
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi SiddharthC58!

    If you suspect a player or alliance of cheating, please report it through this form so that it can be properly investigated by the team. But keep in mind, you won't be notified of any findings or actions taken after the investigation. Thanks!
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