Who should I use my 4* Signature Abilitiy Awakening Stones on?

BlueRanger2012BlueRanger2012 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2018 in Strategy and Tips
None of them are duplicates. I have 40 unopened 4* Signature ability stones unopened. Or should I just wait until I get other champions?

Who should I use my 4* Signature Abilitiy Awakening Stones on? 14 votes

Ghost Rider
buffajrAjisdopeVladislas22Sac123_Savio444Animatronics_to3TurbulentUrFaceTheHoodedDormammuXFA_RebootedAssumedNameNeel 11 votes
Wolverine (X-23)
Howard The Duck
Spity68DiablosUltimateEmmanuelcoast 3 votes


  • DiablosUltimateDiablosUltimate Member Posts: 1,021 ★★★
    edited March 2018
    Howard The Duck
    Thats easy, use them all on howard the duck, you won't regret. He's viable in all modes of game, according to empirical data he is among most effective attackers in war, also great for long fights because he stacks fury like crazy - labirynth of legends (they say he has a power of a milion quacks), but also won't fail to not dissapoint in story mode, thanks to his superior regen
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