Pls remove t1a

From lvl up r1-r2 five star. Then r2-r3 five star, retain five t1a in ranking up.
Please consider.
Pretty please?
With cherry on top please?
Please consider.
Pretty please?
With cherry on top please?
MANY of us can't open map 5/6 crystals or T4C crystals/frags since all high alliances get these at a much higher rate than T1a and T4B and are capped on these (crystals never expire but once you open them the catalyst goes into the stash and does expire). There is no syncrony of the resources flowing in for different levels of progression. Even worse is if you're capped in 5 classes and you need 1 class, you have to open a bunch of these and let them expire to get the 1 class that isn't capped. Just ridiculous.
Won't change. They make good money on selling old resources that shouldn't exist anymore. Why lower it when you can sell it? The theme of Kabam.