Alliance war season rewards

KhthuluKhthulu Member Posts: 9
Will you still recieve season rewards if you leave your ally before the season end?

I have been in same ally since before season started and we run full aw when open and want to recieve what ive contributed toward but dont want to stay in my current ally for 20ish more days


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @Khthulu no, you will not. You will get rewards for whatever alliance you end the season with provided you fought in at least five wars with that alliance. The minute you leave an alliance the 5 war counter resets.
  • KhthuluKhthulu Member Posts: 9
    @LeNoirFaineant thx i appreciate the info. Not the answer i had hoped for but it helps me make the decision to stick it thru until the end of aw season. I'll go thru the motions til the end.
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