What if ?

What if you wake up tomorrow and found out that kabam has made changes and Kamala/Shehulk/colossus/IP are the most OP champs in the game. How many will start kicking and screaming for selling them earlier?
Yes , i sold spidergwen couple of times, but now i keep them for the ISO. Also there was a rumor that if you sell your 4* version you will get it as 5* so that was another reason
Actually that's not true. You get more shards by ranking champs to r3 and selling than you do from duping. Even if you include max sig crystals.
Having said that, I never sell champs.
So if i sell my 4* archangel, then open a 5* crystal, I’ll get a 5* archangel. Interesting, I will try this.
Shame I don't have him as a 6*