Which Spiderman version is better(Stark Enhanced excuded)

Just wodering which spider varient is better?
Looks like i forgot to add venom and Carnage and i cant seem to edit the poll now.
Looks like i forgot to add venom and Carnage and i cant seem to edit the poll now.
Which Spiderman version is better(Stark Enhanced excuded) 106 votes
Agreed, Strongest L1 special in the game, doesn't need fancy additions like "good abilities" . Has a hood in case it rains. Strongest Spider by far.
If anyone say spidergwen disregard thier comment
They’re called jokes. Lighten up.
What he is saying is ur jokes could be taken seriously by new players
If a new player makes a poll about spidergwen asking if she’s good and someone says her sp1 is amazing, then they go away and rank her up with no testing or seeing if the person was right, then it’s a ridiculous move to make. It’s their own fault for not doing research. The internet is well known for jokes.
Plus, a newer player is only going to use t3 basic and t2 class to rank her, both easy to replace. By the time they get alphas and t3 class they will have realised spidergwen is trash and if not, no big deal, all content at the start of the game can be done by any 4*.
People can and should make jokes about what they want, this sort of sensitivity is mind numbingly silly.
@juST4fUN, I personally find MM more annoying to fight against, and I find MM more fun to play with. Spidey Classis still can hit hard too. In fact Spider-Gwen does hit pretty hard as well. I think 3 of them may probably be better than Symbiotic.
OG Spidey Duped - Defense God
Sym Spidey - Attack/Crits
MM Spidey - Attack/Defense
I honestly don't like them so much because they are squishy. I like my champs a bit more armored or with regen, guess it depends on skill level. (I get smacked in the face from time to time)