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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

7 hr event

So 4 hours into the 7 hour event and it has finally shown up under events. However there are only 3 hours remaining and ive not beem awarded any points for any of the fights ive done for the past 4 hours. Is this really acceptable?


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    Crine60Crine60 Posts: 1,401 ★★★★
    No, but it happens semi-regularly and they've never done anything to fix it so it's par for the course unfortunately.
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    SeifersanSeifersan Posts: 5
    Crine60 wrote: »
    No, but it happens semi-regularly and they've never done anything to fix it so it's par for the course unfortunately.

    from what i've experienced even if the event is "bugged" when it does finally come up it back tracks and provides me points for everything i've done prior to that point.
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    Crine60Crine60 Posts: 1,401 ★★★★
    Seifersan wrote: »
    Crine60 wrote: »
    No, but it happens semi-regularly and they've never done anything to fix it so it's par for the course unfortunately.

    from what i've experienced even if the event is "bugged" when it does finally come up it back tracks and provides me points for everything i've done prior to that point.

    For me it is hit or miss if I get credit for what I've done when it appears late. Also by not knowing what it is when it doesn't show up on time you miss out on earning points for things if you don't happen to randomly have done what it required even if it does give you back credit.
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    SeifersanSeifersan Posts: 5
    Crine60 wrote: »
    Seifersan wrote: »
    Crine60 wrote: »
    No, but it happens semi-regularly and they've never done anything to fix it so it's par for the course unfortunately.

    from what i've experienced even if the event is "bugged" when it does finally come up it back tracks and provides me points for everything i've done prior to that point.

    For me it is hit or miss if I get credit for what I've done when it appears late. Also by not knowing what it is when it doesn't show up on time you miss out on earning points for things if you don't happen to randomly have done what it required even if it does give you back credit.

    yeah i did a lot of quests using up energy with random champions, which all couldve been my 5 star ant man if i knew which even was going. maybe they will do the right thing and compensate us.

    But my thing is why even turn it on for 3 hours? either start it over with 7 hours or just wait another 3 hours with nothing and run the next event.
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    SeifersanSeifersan Posts: 5
    And it seems like the kabam officials have decided to ignore this issue. I guess their approach is the less they speak about it the sooner people will forget it ever happened.
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    SnizzbarSnizzbar Posts: 2,157 ★★★★★

    @Kabam Porthos hey look, I bumped a thread. What are you gonna do

    Lol there's your answer. See ya
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    HoitadoHoitado Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
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    LlessurLlessur Posts: 488 ★★★
    rise from the dead
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    WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Posts: 323 ★★★
    I hear reviving old posts is a thing.... so, this poses the question - what is the lifecycle of a post? Is a post ever really dead, or just hibernating till a resurrection.

    In regards the 7 hr event, I haven't seen any issues since 2017 so kudos to Kabam. That bug seems fixed! ❤️
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    Elite13Elite13 Posts: 184
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    _Rick87__Rick87_ Posts: 36
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    Mohammad07Mohammad07 Posts: 183 ★★
    Are you guys still playin
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    bdawg923bdawg923 Posts: 764 ★★★★

    Are you guys still playin

    Ye, you?
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    hft_23hft_23 Posts: 53
    It's really been a while, huh?
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