Mesmerize: 7% to stun. More like 70%.

Most times I don’t reroll the dice just for Mesmerize cuz it’s only 7%. But it’s been many times I got stunned like 5-7 times especially during the first fight. That’s such a cheap move.
By 70% I mean it happens a lot not the exact 70%. It happens serval times very quickly at the start of the fight when I haven’t punch them over 10 hits. Then I got killed.
It should happen a lot, people are generally bad at predicting probability that’s why casinos make so much money. You see 7% and you think that’s a tiny number, but the amount of hits you deal (or events) make that 7% a lot more likely than you think.
p/s: occasionally I got stunned into oblivion before I can react as well. I learnt my lesson and try to dash back and keep a distance at the start of the game, and approach carefully.
0.49% is not near impossible. Think about how many thousands of players fight those nodes and how many 100s of thousands of hits are made against them. Of those, you are going to get two in a row. You say 0.49% is impossible but it’s similar odds to get a 5* featured from grandmaster crystals and you see many brag posts on reddit about it. Not nearly impossible. Not by any stretch of the imagination
you should know that 7% is just a random number and you will be kabamed
It's 7-10 hits when you get stunned every other hit and then the AI combos you until you die.
You might think that’s how it works, but it’s not. On a fight with mesmerise when you go 30 hits without triggering mesmerise you don’t think about how lucky you are. But when it happens after 7 hits you think, god kabam have messed with the percentage. Humans are bad at statistics.
thats a great point. the stun seems to happen 7% about over 100% of the time (if that makes sense to you)
but the 2% 4* drop happens about 5% of the time
Having finished monthly quests, I just went back finished 100%ing that quest a couple of days ago.
Giving Electra Mesmerise and raising her 'No loose ends' to kick in at 50% health?