Wolvie's regen nerfed in aq?

Has wolvie's regen been nerfed in aq? He doesnt seem to regen as much as he used to or as much as he does in solo play. What are the metrics? trigger percentages and regen rates
14% chance to regen as a passive:
A 5 hit combo has a 53% chance to proc at least one regen
A 10 hit combo has a 78% chance to proc at least one regen
A 15 hit combo has a 90% chance to proc at least one regen
8% chance due to his sig ability:
A 5 hit combo has a 34% chance to proc at least one regen
A 10 hit combo has a 57% chance to proc at least one regen
A 15 hit combo has a 71% chance to proc at least one regen
Combining the two:
A 5 hit combo has a 69% chance to proc at least one regen
A 10 hit combo has a 90% chance to proc at least one regen
A 15 hit combo has a 97% chance to proc at least one regen
On AVERAGE, you should get 1 regen per 3 hits...so in a 40 hit fight I should get 13 on average. Instead, I am lucky if I am averaging 2 or 3. Yes, there are fights when I have gotten 6 but not a single one with 10+. I typically have at least one 40+ hit fight in AQ without a single regen (the odds of which are astronomically low).
And, unless you have an advanced degree in mathematics, please do not try to argue the statistics with me. My undergraduate degree is in Math and Physics, my PhD is in Physics.
"Apart from stat scaling for the above listed stats, nothing. It doesn't affect Ability Accuracy or Proc Chance for abilities. It doesn't affect who has priority for an attack or any other non-stats mechanics in the game. I even had the engineer go through the code to make 100% sure this was the case before I answered this question."
So someone either changed something for AQ, someone changed something for challenger rating or Kabam Dorosh and the software engineer he spoke to were wrong...
We deserve some kind of answer.
I'd bet this was changed in 13.1
You may be good at math but the chance does not accumulate with each hit.
Its a 14% chance on each hit. Roll a 100 sided dice and see how many times you roll 1-14?
After 5 rolls you're saying the dice is now a 27 sided dice (thus giving the 53% chance)?
After 15 rolls the dice is suddenly now a 15 sided dice (thus giving the 90% chance)?
I guess you aren't that good at comprehension....
No, it is you who have no clue as to what probability and statistics are...I fully understand that the chance is not cumulative. And where you came up with 27 sided dice and 15 sided dice I won't even hazard a guess! Learn some math!
Let me go through the simple explanation of the first set:
14% chance to proc a regen, so 86% chance not to proc...for a single hit.
For two hits, the chance to proc at LEAST ONE regen would be 1-0.86^2=0.26 or 26% (notice it is less than double the 14% chance for a single hit). For three hits, the chance to proc at LEAST ONE regen would be 1-0.86^3=0.36=36%. And so on...
I think it's probably a case of the community being given incorrect information, like the stuff with synergies and the enrage timer in LoL
And you're wrong again. Your real world statistics don't mean anything here. 5 hit combos are only a thing in this game because that is a mechanism the game employs. It could be 50 hits and it still wouldn't matter.
The rate is 14% chance per hit.
1st hit 14%
2nd hit 14%
3rd hit you guessed it 14%
I could keep going but you'd probably get confused....
To keep the dice here, a 6 sided dice has a a small chance of rolling a 6. Let's say 16%. You now rol the dice twice, it has a 16% chance to proc (proc meaninf rolling a 6 in this example) the first time and again a 16% chance for the second time. If you only roll one time there are 6 possibilities, withone of them having a you roll a 6. If you roll the dice twice there are 36 posibilities (roll 1 and 1, 1 and 2, 1 and 3 etc.) From these 36 possibilities 10 have you roll a 6 once and 1 has you roll a 6 twice. So there is a 30% chance to roll a 6 now, a less then 3% chance of two sixes (two regens).
This should help make @Fizicyst his math more visual. @Noobeeus you're thinking about a dice is logical, but you're making the mistake of changing dices instaid of throwing the same dice again and again. If you keep with your 100 sided dice the first time you throw it there is a 14% chance one of the numbers you throw are 1-14. If you throw it a second time there are now 10.000 different possibilities. With 14 of those possibilities throwing 1-14 the first time and then also 14 possibilieties of throwing 15 the first time and then 1-14 (and throw a 16 and then the second time throw a number between 1-14).
If you switch dices, to your 27 sided dice, it means you have 5 rolls in one. You're suddenly only allowed to roll once instaid of do a full combo.
Fizicyst wasn't saying that the 5th hit has 53% of giving regen, but that there is a 53% chance that one of those 5 hits will proc Wolvie his regen.
Normal 6 sided dice. I throw it once. There is about a 16% change I throw a 6. Agreed?
We now throw that same dice twice in a row. The first time there are 6 options, I can throw a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. The second time I throw it there are these same 6 options. So now there are 36 different options in total. I might have thrown a 1 and a 1, or a 1 and a 2, or a 1 and a 3 etc. From these 36 options, there are 25 options without a six, 10 options that have me throw one 6 and there is 1 option that I throw a six twice. This means there is only a 1/36 chance of two sixes, less then 3%, but that there is a 30% chance that I throw a six. The second time I throw a six I don't have a bigger chance of throwing a six, but by throwing my dice more then once, I do have a higher chance of getting a 6 at some point.
I understand what you're saying but thats not how the game works.
Each hit is a new iteration where all previous hits are void.
So out of a 5 hit combo or a 400 hit combo, hit 5 or hit 400 are treated like hit 1 and all have a 14% chance.
The odds NEVER increase.
are you trolling? The odd for each individual hit doesn't increase but what everyone said is the odd for the whole fight, 10, 20 or even 100 hits. Hit 10 times have better odd that one would land a regen than hit 1 time.
No I'm not trolling.
And you're wrong. 1 time has a 14% chance and each time after has same. The odds of getting a heal on hit 1 or hit 10 don't change.
Read the skill for him. Nowhere does it say that the % chance increases the longer the fight goes....
Small heal (passive) has a 14% chance to proc
Big Heal (signature) has an 8% chance to proc
These numbers don't change across the whole fight.
Whilst I agree that the odds of never proccing the small heal for a fight that lasts for 40 hits will be astronomically low. It really isn't out of the question that this can occur.
Its too much I have a R5 wolverine and he doesn't regen well in AQ and AW.
Donno wats the point of having signature ability as "cellular regen". Kabam is not answering complaints.
Just like, when playing with Wolverine, I don't have a 14% chance to get a regen that fight. It's not like Gamora her assisin or Hawkeye his hemorage that only proc once every fight.
However, troll away, if you seriously think that there is only a 14% chance that his regen procs the hwole fight, I'm not sure how to explain to you that you're wrong. The dice example really should help to have you understand. Every throwing of the dice is the same as 1 hit ingame.
Each hit has a 14% chance no matter how long the fight goes on for.
How do you not understand this?
And yes if you throw a dice 100 times you have a 16% chance to roll a 6....as the previous roll, or previous 99 rolls do not have a bearing on the outcome of the next roll....
Then do it 20 times, count those sixes. Then a 100 times, and obviously also count how many sixes you throw then.
We already establised that the chance keeps being 16%. Just like Wolverine keeps having a 14% chance to regen on each hit. Tell me in which fight, a 10 hit fight, a 20 hit fight or a 100 hit fight, he'll proc most regens. I'll give a hint, it's the one where you roll most sixes.