Black panther new movie version!

Black Panther of the new movie:
I think we should add this black panther because the character does not really have much justice in the game. The costume also has a lot of cool abilities such as kinectic energy that absorbs the damage, if you will, we can Also take into account the heart-shaped herbs powers and these cool tech gadgets,
I'm still quite new to the game so sorry if the idea of his passive or duplicate abilities does not look great: with his version of civil war, I really liked when he could increase his damage but the only way to to do was to be consistently hit, and let's be honest in this game, we can not afford to be touched, so I think it could probably be changed to work a bit like the energy chitauri vultures and you can let it stack then you save it for the third special, orb you can turn them into higher attack boosts like Hela Can.
But for specials, some quick ideas:
Special: Wakandan Martial Arts
Black panther show some of his fighting skills he has learned since his youth thanks to the heart-shaped grass, thanks to the vibranium armor, gives him an unstoppable pile
Special 2: Emp blast
With advanced wakandas technology, the Black Panther throws his opponent and throws empty bombs that will inflict damage of discharge and stunning, but if the opponent is fully robot or at least dependent on electricity, the damage is longer. idea that I got from Stark Spidey)
Special 3: Kinectic shockwave
After taking several attacks from his opponent, the black panther's costume glows crimson and claws with his claws and ends with a huge kinectic discharge leaving the opponent stunned with rather severe bleeding damage plus kinetic energy. he has accumulated is high the 3rd special will do the trick.
I thought this "new" champion could be introduced after the black panther tried to fight against thanos, he could come back with an improvement for the final fight.
These are just rough ideas and if someone wants to offer more, do not hesitate to! But honestly, I think the kabam team can have fun giving life to this character, of course, it's entirely up to them if they want to make this champion. After all, killmonger deserves its worthy counterpart!
I think we should add this black panther because the character does not really have much justice in the game. The costume also has a lot of cool abilities such as kinectic energy that absorbs the damage, if you will, we can Also take into account the heart-shaped herbs powers and these cool tech gadgets,
I'm still quite new to the game so sorry if the idea of his passive or duplicate abilities does not look great: with his version of civil war, I really liked when he could increase his damage but the only way to to do was to be consistently hit, and let's be honest in this game, we can not afford to be touched, so I think it could probably be changed to work a bit like the energy chitauri vultures and you can let it stack then you save it for the third special, orb you can turn them into higher attack boosts like Hela Can.
But for specials, some quick ideas:
Special: Wakandan Martial Arts
Black panther show some of his fighting skills he has learned since his youth thanks to the heart-shaped grass, thanks to the vibranium armor, gives him an unstoppable pile
Special 2: Emp blast
With advanced wakandas technology, the Black Panther throws his opponent and throws empty bombs that will inflict damage of discharge and stunning, but if the opponent is fully robot or at least dependent on electricity, the damage is longer. idea that I got from Stark Spidey)
Special 3: Kinectic shockwave
After taking several attacks from his opponent, the black panther's costume glows crimson and claws with his claws and ends with a huge kinectic discharge leaving the opponent stunned with rather severe bleeding damage plus kinetic energy. he has accumulated is high the 3rd special will do the trick.
I thought this "new" champion could be introduced after the black panther tried to fight against thanos, he could come back with an improvement for the final fight.
These are just rough ideas and if someone wants to offer more, do not hesitate to! But honestly, I think the kabam team can have fun giving life to this character, of course, it's entirely up to them if they want to make this champion. After all, killmonger deserves its worthy counterpart!

dont parry when has armor up lol