Add gold to AW Seasons?

So the rewards are juicyyyyyyyyyyyy for AW Seasons which is why everyone is going crazy. But gold is still an issue(if ya didn't know that, then you've probably been living under a rock with She Hulk) Heres a suggestion! What if in AW season 2, you add a mound of gold to the rewards, scaling up as you go up tier by tier. For instance, in bronze you can award 25k gold, while in Master you award 1mil gold. Now obviously im just spitballing the numbers, these are just random figures. But i think its a fantastic idea. Comment below if you agree!

I also think @Emmanuelcoast is recommending fair amount, like say start with 1M-2M from Master tier, and slightly reduce all the way down to few hundred thousands for Gold, and around one hundred thousand-ish in Silver, and few tens of thousands in bronze.
Since AW season reward is new and is still shaping, the timing is good to polish the reward, gold is certainly a great addition (pls don't remove anything from the current reward list, haha)