I had a question about arenas also. I played the kingpin arena and got 1-10% with 2.5 mil points. I already had my 4* kingpin duped but finding this champion did not increase his level or reward and iso. Do I not get iso for winning a champion in these arenas?
@DRFRESH5 , this is 4* Basic, it is NOT 4* featured arena
For 4* Basic Arena, your dupped champ (in grey color if you see Kingpin's avatar) will only gives you +1 sig level, and no ISO. That's why unless it is a very important champs that must be awakened, otherwise some folks may NOT bother to grind just to get the +1 sig level and no ISO.
This is intended, it has been like this all these while.
You may get ISO and +8 sig level dupped from 3* Featured Arena dup, or +20 sig level and ISOs from 4* featured arena dup, bcos those are FEATURED, not BASIC.
Hope this clears your doubt, and help you in the future to decide if it worths your time & effort to grind 4* basic for dupping or not? Or just do till the last milestone and call it a day?
Good luck and cheers!
p/s: Welcome @Nottherealvman and welcome @DRFRESH5 to this forum, now that you have made your 1st post, hope you have a nice stay in this forum
For 4* Basic Arena, your dupped champ (in grey color if you see Kingpin's avatar) will only gives you +1 sig level, and no ISO. That's why unless it is a very important champs that must be awakened, otherwise some folks may NOT bother to grind just to get the +1 sig level and no ISO.
This is intended, it has been like this all these while.
You may get ISO and +8 sig level dupped from 3* Featured Arena dup, or +20 sig level and ISOs from 4* featured arena dup, bcos those are FEATURED, not BASIC.
Hope this clears your doubt, and help you in the future to decide if it worths your time & effort to grind 4* basic for dupping or not? Or just do till the last milestone and call it a day?
Good luck and cheers!
p/s: Welcome @Nottherealvman and welcome @DRFRESH5 to this forum, now that you have made your 1st post, hope you have a nice stay in this forum