What would you want from an YouTuber when he/she makes an video on MCOC.
I would want him/her to not request the people above to keep rigging their crystal openings,So that I can't hate them.
I would also expect them to have tutorials for middle-ground,expert and noob players (eg DorkLessons)
What would you want from an YouTuber when he/she makes an video on MCOC.
I would want him/her to not request the people above to keep rigging their crystal openings,So that I can't hate them.
I would also expect them to have tutorials for middle-ground,expert and noob players (eg DorkLessons)
I've been thinking about starting a channel for fellow non-gamers before this game, or noober ones, can see what normal people look like playing this game and progression/crystal openings.
To me, it's not about what I want it's about what I don't want. I don't want negative & entitled whiners filling up my ear space. Despite my feelings about this, I keep having to listen to a certain Youtuber because no one else is creating videos like his in a timely manner. So they have to be on the ball too.
I would like a youtuber to first complaint about not getting officer position in the current alliance, rant about how much he/she deserves to be promoted, publicly leave the alliance to form a new one, pull a bunch of high profile youtubers and gamers to join the new alliance, create an unrealistic goal claiming they will achieve it within a few weeks, and then begin the drama by betraying everyone who join the new alliance, by switching to another alliance for own benefit! In addition, pls provide 3D glasses and popcorns, soft drinks or beers will be awesome too, so I won't need to prepare those myself. Afterall, we want to watch 3D drama while enjoying popcorns, and some drinks!
LOL, just kidding, joke aside, I do like youtubers to:-
1) create detailed breakdown of new champs' passive and active abilities, as well as how to utitilize the champs' game mechanics for best result, and top up with a few demonstration of fighting against AI to strengthen the points made - e.g. Lets Play youtuber
2) create some side by side comparisons, like X23 vs GP damage comparison, Angela vs Drax damage comparison, or even something not many ppl does before, like Pure Skill mastery with and without comparison on bleed champs' damage output, etc - e.g. Joel Line youtuber (retired)
3) create some good tutorial for beginners and intermediate players, like those how to xxx like a ninja series - e.g. Dave
4) create some good champs comparison and ranking and recommendations, create some tutorial on how to get certain catalysts, how to get gold, how to get awakening gems, how to get content creator privilege revoked, etc - e.g. Seatin
5) create some recommendation how to horde or spend crystals, how to maximize dup sig99 to get max sig crystals, how to achieve lots of progress and stay F2P, how to ask Wife to open top champs, etc - e.g Brian Grant
6) How to fight matches like a champ using 2* or 3* against very strong AIs, and how to do gym with sexy chicks - e.g. The Analyzer
7) Cosplay in sexy outfit, read out of Marvel's encyclopedia, etc - e.g. Jade Sura
8) Summarize MCoC news and make it a news channel, etc - e.g. Rich The Man
p/s: No youtubers are harmed in the posting of this comment. All the above-mentioned youtubers are highly respected and beloved! This comment is posted with all the loves in the world
I would want him/her to not request the people above to keep rigging their crystal openings,So that I can't hate them.
I would also expect them to have tutorials for middle-ground,expert and noob players (eg DorkLessons)
Point noted..
He just gets abnormal luck m8!Also,It's a joke,I enjoy Seatin's And DDD's tutorials.
LOL, just kidding, joke aside, I do like youtubers to:-
1) create detailed breakdown of new champs' passive and active abilities, as well as how to utitilize the champs' game mechanics for best result, and top up with a few demonstration of fighting against AI to strengthen the points made - e.g. Lets Play youtuber
2) create some side by side comparisons, like X23 vs GP damage comparison, Angela vs Drax damage comparison, or even something not many ppl does before, like Pure Skill mastery with and without comparison on bleed champs' damage output, etc - e.g. Joel Line youtuber (retired)
3) create some good tutorial for beginners and intermediate players, like those how to xxx like a ninja series - e.g. Dave
4) create some good champs comparison and ranking and recommendations, create some tutorial on how to get certain catalysts, how to get gold, how to get awakening gems, how to get content creator privilege revoked, etc - e.g. Seatin
5) create some recommendation how to horde or spend crystals, how to maximize dup sig99 to get max sig crystals, how to achieve lots of progress and stay F2P, how to ask Wife to open top champs, etc - e.g Brian Grant
6) How to fight matches like a champ using 2* or 3* against very strong AIs, and how to do gym with sexy chicks - e.g. The Analyzer
7) Cosplay in sexy outfit, read out of Marvel's encyclopedia, etc - e.g. Jade Sura
8) Summarize MCoC news and make it a news channel, etc - e.g. Rich The Man
p/s: No youtubers are harmed in the posting of this comment. All the above-mentioned youtubers are highly respected and beloved! This comment is posted with all the loves in the world