Forget Sentry. Carnage and many others need a buff

AceDeMoNAceDeMoN Member Posts: 142
Carnage is awful, I think he should be addressed mainly but look at all the other woeful champions like all the iron men, Dr. Strange and spider Gwen. I don't understand why concentrate on a champion so new that barely anyone has yet


  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    I agree carbage, strange, and venom do need a rework.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    It would be nice if they started buffing champs more often. There are way too many garbage champs. DR. Strange would be nice but he is only a 4* and therefore not buff worthy in my opinion. The others you mention especially Carnage need buffs badly. Carnage is an embarrassment to the Game Team/Devs
  • ChuckNorrisChuckNorris Member Posts: 104
    Deadpool x-force
  • KrazewulfosKrazewulfos Member Posts: 165
    you cant complain that sentry needs a buff since his release, and then when he gets buffed, say "forget him". stop this...
  • Mana_PotMana_Pot Member Posts: 235 ★★
    Wait. Forget Sentry? He one of the ones that needs buffing! What wrong with you? When they buff Carnage are you going to say "Forget Carnage, I think something else should be done now!" They're finally buffing champs and you have a problem? Go step on a tack. Kabam has problems, but this damn community has just as many if not more.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Mana_Pot wrote: »
    Wait. Forget Sentry? He one of the ones that needs buffing! What wrong with you? When they buff Carnage are you going to say "Forget Carnage, I think something else should be done now!" They're finally buffing champs and you have a problem? Go step on a tack. Kabam has problems, but this damn community has just as many if not more.

    Just watch,Then peeps are gonna be like,Forget Carnage and Venom,Nerf Blade and Buff Proxima or something.
  • Maldroit2Maldroit2 Member Posts: 739 ★★★
    Just be glad somebody got buffed at all
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    AceDeMoN wrote: »
    Carnage is awful, I think he should be addressed mainly but look at all the other woeful champions like all the iron men, Dr. Strange and spider Gwen. I don't understand why concentrate on a champion so new that barely anyone has yet

    By all means kabam listens for once and still get complaints might explain why they decided to stop listening in the first place, sure these others need a buff but NEVER EVER COMPLAIN ABOUT A CERTAIN CHARACTER GETTING A BUFF new or not sentry still needed it and it is good he got is so stop complaining about it
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    Carbages base stats need improving and his mutations need to work more instantly or allow the user more control over which buff to mutate into. Seems like once I start the mutation i inevitably have to block an incoming attack and end up getting the block prof buff. The mutation should take whatever recent buff you have at the start of the mutation and not the one you have just before the end of the mutation.
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    MSRDLD wrote: »
    Carbages base stats need improving and his mutations need to work more instantly or allow the user more control over which buff to mutate into. Seems like once I start the mutation i inevitably have to block an incoming attack and end up getting the block prof buff. The mutation should take whatever recent buff you have at the start of the mutation and not the one you have just before the end of the mutation.

    Who the hell is carbages 😂
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 718 ★★★
  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402
    In my opinion the most insane design character in the game...shame he is useless
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