Should kabam add a trading event for summoners for 1 week

Taskmaster12Taskmaster12 Member Posts: 10
edited March 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
Look I think they should add this. Like I dont want it to be forever like it should be only one week. For me I would want it to be in July in the first week. Than after that its over. Do you agree.

Should kabam add a trading event for summoners for 1 week 76 votes

Mrbeast6000Mets17SKOutsiderAsgardBearsAhitlawTurbulentUrFacetaojay1MelkerlanneroCottonmouthUltimatechampionShiz866TheHoodedDormammuEmmanuelcoastTaskmaster12KDSuperFlash10John_mann_gamin 16 votes
Etaki_LirakoiGroundedWisdomNEONevvBRiegelHaji_SaabstakMarzGrooveLoPrestiAddyosChris_L_HPrimmer79FallencircusPaperApocalypse189K1lltasticLe_Marv_8HeroBoltsyVladislas22Stevie_Stars1 60 votes


  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    I assume you mean trading champs if so all kinds of things would go wrong stronger players would trick newbies who don't know much to trade blade for Colossus and people will probably get ripped off plus many bugs would come with an update like this so not worth it. My answer is no.
  • KyndrannaKyndranna Member Posts: 38
    I could trade my top champ to alt beat a bunch of content gift myself back the easy units then trade myself the champs back
  • Le_Marv_8Le_Marv_8 Member Posts: 84
    This ain't pokemon and neither should it be similar.
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    edited March 2018
    You forgot another option in your poll:


    I voted No, but this is where my vote really goes.
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    Noob: does anyone want to trade
    Player: that 5* blade you have sucks, I’ll give you a god tier collosus to help and I’ll take that blade off your hands
    Noob: sure!!

    It would be easy for people who have been playing the game for a long time to exploit noobs who just got the game...
  • stakstak Member Posts: 88
    Nope, way too easy to exploit. I could simply create an alternate account and grind arena, taking advantage of the beginner and intermediate brackets to get featured and basic champs, and then trade those champs to my main account. And I could keep creating alternate accounts so I always have one in the beginner and intermediate brackets and always get the arena champs easily just so I could send all of these champs to my main account from multiple alternate accounts during the trade period.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
  • Al_ahadAl_ahad Member Posts: 30
    Cats73 wrote: »
    Noob: does anyone want to trade
    Player: that 5* blade you have sucks, I’ll give you a god tier collosus to help and I’ll take that blade off your hands
    Noob: sure!!

    It would be easy for people who have been playing the game for a long time to exploit noobs who just got the game...

    True, This s*ht really happens in golbal.
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    Honey no
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  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    I'll trade you some armor yondu stole for units.
  • John_mann_gaminJohn_mann_gamin Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2018
    Look I think they should add this. Like I dont want it to be forever like it should be only one week. For me I would want it to be in July in the first week. Than after that its over. Do you agree.
    I agree I've been wanted this for ages and no one has brought it up I think they should only let it be in the own stars tho ( so a 2 star can't be traded for a 3 or 4 and stuff like that. BUT I do think that the champion they would receive would have to be new like no ISO into it and would need to be levelled up so it starts like it's just been opened in a crystal
  • Cosmic_Ray13Cosmic_Ray13 Member Posts: 302
    What has our world come to??
  • Maldroit2Maldroit2 Member Posts: 739 ★★★
    This can't possibly end well
  • MordridCowl_1979MordridCowl_1979 Member Posts: 199
    It would wreck the game in 1 day, much less a week
  • Mrbeast6000Mrbeast6000 Member Posts: 457
    No trading champs.
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