Bishop Medium Attack Broken [Under Investigation]

When I attempt a combo ending with a medium attack with Bishop, the opponent immediately counters and there is a delay in Bishop resetting. I can’t block, evade or anything. M-L-L-L-M isn’t working. Is this indicative of a larger problem or something negatively unique to Bishop?
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
Sorry for the delay on this one. We've passed this over to the team and they're already looking into a fix on it. I know it's been a bit in waiting for a response, wasn't my intentions. We should have more information soon.
Sorry for bumping the thread. It gets lost in the sea of threads and I see moderators commenting on others so i don’t want to be forgotten.
He works fine other than that. It is debilitating though, when the opponent tears into Bishop following a 5 hit combo (if you end with a medium). I’ve been ending in a light hit but it feels like my toy is broken.
It's good timing broken or is there something I'm missing?
I have noticed that when my 3 star unduped Bishop finishes a combo with a Medium attack, he is open for an attack. I have also noticed that chaining an SP off of a combo ending in a Medium allows time for the AI to block consistently. Is there anyone else seeing this or am I just not good with Bishop?
yes, thats the problem here
Dropping by to let you all know that we have a fix en route for this in our 18.0 Update.