Profile Icon Changes + Duels

Request One: Allow players to change their icons to be one of their top 4 champions instead of it only being our highest prestige / PI champ - otherwise 90% of the players will have Blade icons - even more so once we are able to R5 a second 5 star.
Request Two: Allow us to duel any one of the 4 top champs that people have in their profiles and not just the highest prestige champ. Again, since more and more people have the same top champs, the diversity of duel targets is far less interesting and useful.
Request Three: Why is it that a player sees a different profile than everyone else? I see my top PI champions and everyone else sees my top prestige champions. Please make it top prestige champions for everyone because that matters more than PI.
Request Two: Allow us to duel any one of the 4 top champs that people have in their profiles and not just the highest prestige champ. Again, since more and more people have the same top champs, the diversity of duel targets is far less interesting and useful.
Request Three: Why is it that a player sees a different profile than everyone else? I see my top PI champions and everyone else sees my top prestige champions. Please make it top prestige champions for everyone because that matters more than PI.