ACt 3 help
Can i beat Act 3 last chapter with a rank 3 maxed out 4* war machine and venompool along with 4 maxed 3* Black widow, 2 maxed 3* unstoppable colossus and 2 maxed 3* punisher 2099
As long as you are able to use Venompool's s1 to regen then yes. Act 3 is really nice. Plus if you make a major mistake and you know you will lose the match then force quit the app and restart it at your prior health.
Not too sure what you are saying on your champs, pretty confusing the way you described the ranks of your champs
Are you saying:-
1) rank 3 maxed out 4* war machine = 4* WM @ R3/30?
2) rank 3 maxed out 4* venompool = 4* Venompool @ R3/30?
3) 4 maxed 3* Black widow = 3* BW @ R4/40?
4) 2 maxed 3* unstoppable colossus = 3* UC @ R2/20?
5) 2 maxed 3* punisher 2099 = 3* Punisher2099 @ R2/20?
If so, I think it is okay, as long as you are doing fine with standard evade/dexterity + parry + intercept + counter.
Act 3 was a looooooong time back, but I think I was doing with only 3* champs @ R4/40, and I don't recall facing much trouble.
Good luck and all the best! Cheers!
Not if you have skill. He's easy. I beat him with a 3* max ranked DS and SW.