Fix Moon Knight's Second Medium Attack

Moon Knight, along with Drax, Phoenix, and Hela, is one of those champs that has a 6-hit combo. Drax is the only one that starts with the double hit, making him ideal for countering Mordo and, surprisingly, Classic Ultron. Phoenix and Hela end with double mediums, but the hits are close enough together that chaining into specials isn't too much of a problem. Moon Knight, however, cannot chain into special attacks from a MLLLM combo. It seems to me that his double hit is way slower than these aforementioned champs, so one of two things happens when you try to use a special. One, you press the special button right after the final right swipe and he starts his special attack animation after the first hit of the double medium. This gives the opponent enough time to recover and block. Two, you wait for his double hit animation to finish and press the special button. Sometimes it works, but most of the time the opponent is still able to recover and block. Sure, one might suggest using MLLLL or MLLL to chain into specials, but I shouldn't have to change my fighting combo (and miss out on more potential damage/power to the opponent) to adjust to an inherent problem with Moon Knight's attacks.