Quests where entry is team specific?

Loken4000Loken4000 Member Posts: 83
edited March 2018 in General Discussion
Whilst I’m loving the new champions Kabam has been bringing in, I feel that they’re getting slightly repetitive. If a champion is god-tier, everyone wants it because it’s god-tier. If it’s not, it’s shoved to the side and next months champions are eagerly awaited for the same reason. I would like to see people wanting champions for reasons other than “they’re good in Alliance War Defence”. Quests that can only be entered if you have, let’s say, a full team of X-men, would open up a whole new reason for people wanting a champion. And it would be individual as well, no longer would everyone arena for Void, and ignore Falcon if they needed a full team of Avengers to enter a Quest. I feel that it would give new import to less popular champions as well as taking all the focus of those God-Tiers who everybody wants but never gets. Let me know what you think in the comments below, maybe you like most of the idea, but not all. It’s a suggestion for Kabam that if the community can approve, maybe it’ll happen.

Quests where entry is team specific? 23 votes

Let’s trial team-specific Quests and give Champions a new dimension.
A_rock007Haji_SaabAnfwilksMfallsAxeCopFireHeroBoltsyBpn88855Foxhero007RokhorneDanny_CupidSandeepSSC08PsychoticSlayerMarrishadow_lurker22Cats73Julius_SeizureLoken4000 19 votes
Nah I it how it is, give me Blade!
heruheru511Mrbeast6000Spurgeon14Gostaria_2 4 votes


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  • MarriMarri Member Posts: 260 ★★
    Let’s trial team-specific Quests and give Champions a new dimension.
    I like this idea, although the options for teams you could use in those quests should be more than 5 champs. I mean, GoG team obligatory? That's great if you only have 2 of them...same for avengers etc.

    How about: Only enter with a team that has 0 synergies?
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    There is a quest in act 4 (I think) that has a path that can only be done if you have spiderman on your team
  • Mrbeast6000Mrbeast6000 Member Posts: 457
    Nah I it how it is, give me Blade!
    I want to skip the grind
  • MfallsMfalls Member Posts: 94
    Let’s trial team-specific Quests and give Champions a new dimension.
    Act 5 ch3 is kind of like this as only one class isn’t nerfed per map but certain champs can overcome this.
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    edited March 2018
    Nah I it how it is, give me Blade!
    This would be annoying because you would either A) Have to bring champs you didn't like into quests OR B ) Wait until you got specific champs to enter quests. Both of these would be a step in the wrong direction. Best thing Kabam could do is buff the old/garbage champs. This would naturally lead to champs being used. But ultimately, I think there will always be favorable champions and those at the top will always chase them.
  • Loken4000Loken4000 Member Posts: 83
    Let’s trial team-specific Quests and give Champions a new dimension.
    @Spurgeo14 I see your point, I guess it would be kinda irritating to quest with an Antman if that’s the only way to do the Quest. What if it was broader though? For example only Science Champions could be used, or Champions that have the Villains tag? This is just a sort of taster poll, and once I get more comments I’ll refine and repost it.
  • Loken4000Loken4000 Member Posts: 83
    Let’s trial team-specific Quests and give Champions a new dimension.
    @The_One yes but that’s only for one path. What if there were Quests that could only be entered with 3 Spiderverse Champions in your team. There are so many possibilities and it could be as narrow (only Avengers allowed) or as broad (at least one villain) as people want. Share the poll with friends and we’ll see if we get enough votes for Kabam to take notice.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★
    They've done champion-specific gates in the past, such as the Civil War event. This is something they've largely avoided, as it will mean that some people can't take part in certain events, or can't 100% them. They took the Spiderman gateMost gates are their class-specific.

    I do like the idea of using things like this to 'encourage' use of alternative champions, though.

    First suggestion on this idea: Gates that require you to bring a specific Type of champion (Robot, Dimensional being, Avenger, Kree, etc)

    Second suggestion: Reverse the Gates so they become Barriers. You can't bring any cosmic champions down here, folks! No Medusa to take out these Sentinels... No Blade for these mystics...You're going to have to try something new...

  • UC439UC439 Member Posts: 261
    This idea is implemented to some extent in act4. Like colossus gate, spiderman gate, class specific gates.
  • Loken4000Loken4000 Member Posts: 83
    Let’s trial team-specific Quests and give Champions a new dimension.
    @Magrailothos I really like that, it seems people like the general idea, but would want it done on a smaller scale so it seems diverse gates are the way to go. I especially like the idea of certain champions/classes not being allowed down certain routes. It would nerf certain champions without having to nerf them if you know what I mean.
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