Quests where entry is team specific?

Whilst I’m loving the new champions Kabam has been bringing in, I feel that they’re getting slightly repetitive. If a champion is god-tier, everyone wants it because it’s god-tier. If it’s not, it’s shoved to the side and next months champions are eagerly awaited for the same reason. I would like to see people wanting champions for reasons other than “they’re good in Alliance War Defence”. Quests that can only be entered if you have, let’s say, a full team of X-men, would open up a whole new reason for people wanting a champion. And it would be individual as well, no longer would everyone arena for Void, and ignore Falcon if they needed a full team of Avengers to enter a Quest. I feel that it would give new import to less popular champions as well as taking all the focus of those God-Tiers who everybody wants but never gets. Let me know what you think in the comments below, maybe you like most of the idea, but not all. It’s a suggestion for Kabam that if the community can approve, maybe it’ll happen.
Quests where entry is team specific? 23 votes
How about: Only enter with a team that has 0 synergies?
I do like the idea of using things like this to 'encourage' use of alternative champions, though.
First suggestion on this idea: Gates that require you to bring a specific Type of champion (Robot, Dimensional being, Avenger, Kree, etc)
Second suggestion: Reverse the Gates so they become Barriers. You can't bring any cosmic champions down here, folks! No Medusa to take out these Sentinels... No Blade for these mystics...You're going to have to try something new...