1st Time at LoL

Danicb94Danicb94 Member Posts: 97
Hi everyone, i'm planning to do lol in the next days, but i don't know which path to do, my team is a 5* r5 Blade, 4* Spark and GR, and don't know which other 2 guys to bring, which path u guys think is better to do at 1st time Short one? or easy one path facing colossus or avoiding him and face Vision, Spider Gwen and Cyclops, i have 1500 units and about 40 revives, thank u all for ur suggestions


  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★★★
    Save up more units and revives, go outside route facing Colossus and skipping the other 3.
    I just did it 2 days ago and it cost me about 2400 units, 40 revives from stash and 40 health l1, l2, l3. Remember to use health/attack boosts on Magik, WM, and Falcon. Also setup your masteries for max attack and have Pacify to take on Magik. For your other 2 attacker I'd take Cyclops and Magneto, or Yellowjacket and Antman for extra attack. Good luck
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    @Chovner did you have an r5 blade? Mine is r4 wondering if I need to wait for the 5t4cs I need, maybe months, trying to dial how many units I might need for an r4 run, I have sparky and blade at r4
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★★★
    The team I used was r4 5* Star Lord, 5* red magneto and red cyclops, 4* red magneto and red cyclops
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Be prepared for extremely long fights. Especially against colossus
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Moved this over to the Strategy and Tips section of the Forum.
  • Danicb94Danicb94 Member Posts: 97
    Chovner wrote: »
    Save up more units and revives, go outside route facing Colossus and skipping the other 3.
    I just did it 2 days ago and it cost me about 2400 units, 40 revives from stash and 40 health l1, l2, l3. Remember to use health/attack boosts on Magik, WM, and Falcon. Also setup your masteries for max attack and have Pacify to take on Magik. For your other 2 attacker I'd take Cyclops and Magneto, or Yellowjacket and Antman for extra attack. Good luck

    Thanks for the info
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Take Blade, GR, Stark spidey, Dorm, Doc stange.

    Take the far outside wall into the colossus shortcut to Falcon.

    Save revives from the 22hr solo events and halls of healing.

    Make sure your masteries include deep wounds, assassin, recovery, pacify. Pierce, Courage, and pure skill to level 3 can also be of benefit.

    With Blade you can block and bait heavy attacks for openings until soft enrage then switch to parries until you run out of stun time. Stark will be your go to for the colossus fight.
  • Danicb94Danicb94 Member Posts: 97
    Riegel wrote: »
    Take Blade, GR, Stark spidey, Dorm, Doc stange.

    Take the far outside wall into the colossus shortcut to Falcon.

    Save revives from the 22hr solo events and halls of healing.

    Make sure your masteries include deep wounds, assassin, recovery, pacify. Pierce, Courage, and pure skill to level 3 can also be of benefit.

    With Blade you can block and bait heavy attacks for openings until soft enrage then switch to parries until you run out of stun time. Stark will be your go to for the colossus fight.

    Thanks a lot for the info :D
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