He is decent, congrats
His fury stacks will help alot in defensive ability reduction
I like him in skill class, after Blade, GP, and Killmonger
I think he is comparable to Elektra, Black Panther, Hawkeye, Black Widows and Hulk Ragnarok in terms of worthiness.
For 4*, he is certainly worth R4, and perhaps R5 depending on your immediate need & resource availability.
For 5*, he is at least worth R3, but perhaps not so much to R4 since T2A is precious.
My 4* CB (dupped) are currently at R4, but I will only proceed to R5 him after I get my blade and have my blade to R5.
Good luck and cheers!
If you want something close to an instant 100% def ability reduction, use him. Get him to overrun, and then punch away. The best against spiked armor nodes
He is very cool. I don't really care if a champion is good or not. If I like them as a character and is fun to play with, then I don't care if its as bad as Kahn.
Know What I Mean?
I have a 5* R4 Crossbones and at first I was hesitant on doing so but man he wrecks it! Great against spiked armor, and fights against champs like Scarlet Witch which revolve around Crit hits. I breezed through the Chaos Scarlet Witch in Uncollected. Not a single debuff thrown my way.
His fury stacks will help alot in defensive ability reduction
I like him in skill class, after Blade, GP, and Killmonger
I think he is comparable to Elektra, Black Panther, Hawkeye, Black Widows and Hulk Ragnarok in terms of worthiness.
For 4*, he is certainly worth R4, and perhaps R5 depending on your immediate need & resource availability.
For 5*, he is at least worth R3, but perhaps not so much to R4 since T2A is precious.
My 4* CB (dupped) are currently at R4, but I will only proceed to R5 him after I get my blade and have my blade to R5.
Good luck and cheers!
Know What I Mean?