Max Signature Crystal

I have only been playing about 8 months and I finally got my first max signature crystal by duping my 3 star dormammu with max signature. The crystal only contained 50 4 star shards, I thought it was suppose to give another max signature gem or am I wrong about this, as its seems a very small reward for eight months of work to get it.
=> collect few hundreds to few thousands of Max 2* sig stone
=> Hope to get a 3* Immortal Ironfist
Keep on dupping your 3* champs
=> collect few hundreds to few thousands of Max 3* sig stone
=> Hope to get a 4* Immortal Ironfist
Keep on dupping your 4* champs
=> collect few hundreds to few thousands of Max 4* sig stone
=> Hope to get a 5* Immortal Ironfist
+Keep on duping 5* champs
=>Collect few hundred to thousands of Max 5* sig crystals
=>Hope to get a 6* IIF
Continue cycle with higher and higher tier champs