Alliance Quest Help

ItsTheBroskiItsTheBroski Member Posts: 492 ★★
Good afternoon, I don't know what to do. The emergency maintenance that occurred yesterday (Thursday March 29th, 2018) impacted my alliance in a very negative way. We were running Map 5 in Alliance Quest and while there were 30-40 minutes left or so to complete/100% Map 5, the game went down due to emergency maintenance...... The reason why that affected my alliance so heavily is because that resulted in us not being able to defeat the boss (Dormammu) and in general be able to 100% day 4 (of Alliance Quest Map 5). We didn’t take it too hard yesterday but now, the day we received rank rewards for Expert Tier, we took it very hard. We ranked 2812, and the cut off for second to last rank/tier in Ranked rewards was 2800. My alliance was off by 12... Meaning that if we hadn’t had that emergency maintenance at that very moment, we would still be in the Expert Tier of AQ and not dropped down to Advanced Tier like we are now. We wasted a lot of gold, battle chips, and loyalty. We also wasted units, a LOT of glory in potions and revives, and in general time and effort. Not because of our own mistakes, but because of when Kabam decided to run a emergency maintenance. Is there anything I can do? The 30 people in my alliance don’t deserve this. We are all pretty upset and disappointed.... My username in the game is ItsTheBroski . I would send pictures to help understand the situation but I don't believe I can in forums. I sent a support ticket and well I just don't know what else to do. Thanks guys for your time and let me know what I can do.
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