Looking pretty good, that Starlord and Drax will get you far in the story quests, Drax has a powerful bleed, and Star Lord once he is duped he is the best champion in the game man! i recommend you to participate in arenas so you get more crystals and open more champs!
So jealous, when I was at that point in the game, my best champions were 3* Groot and OG Black Panther. Participating in the 2 and 3 star arena, and using all your champions in that arena at least 3 or 4 times a day will probably get you the featured champion. For new summoners, you're put into a beginners bracket for arenas making you more likely to get that featured. Grind out the arena which lets you use 2 & 3 star champions for more 3*, and then use those new 3* in the 3 and 4* arena. You'll get some really nice basic champions that way, from my friend's experience. Good luck!