Mystic dispersion

I think u should do Mac 3 I the points for md and that it should be 2% 4% and 8% it’s a really annoying having to deal with md in wars u should also make it so triggering it doesn’t hit a power thresh hold like if u have 25% and md is triggered it doesn’t work to give u 33% it’ll give u nothing and if not that don’t refresh the dexterity buff when using it will probably be better it u just used the same one I think both these switches should be made for md for champs like old man Logan but dexterity just reusing it is like slashed tires u should be punished for using a masterie or an ability like dashing


  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 766 ★★★
    Agreed but it will never change, Kabam makes to much off potions and revives because of it. Even if MD didn't change, A change to dexterity so it doesn't trigger MD would be nice.
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