War point scoring system needs work

Four times over the last two months my alliance has beaten another Alliance in three out of four scoring areas. During each of those Wars both teams completed both Maps. However the opposing team only beat us in one of the four other point-scoring sections. We won in diversity, map coverage and remaining Defenders. The other team in each War only beat us in the attack bonus section. So how can the opposing team not complete the map, not defeat all of our Defenders and not have diversity yet still win? The point scoring system does not work the way it is set up. You need to reduce the points you get for attack bonus and increase the other areas. Is anyone else experiencing this? Does anyone else have any ideas on how this could be fixed? This has been extremely frustrating for the members of my alliance.
That's the opposite of what they did. Attack Bonus was added to provide an element of skill.
We took it as the loss after and accepted we had to improve our defence.
You are dying 20+ more times than the opponent. Why do you expect to win when that happens?
Diversity is only 30 points each. Attack bonus is 80 points each. Seems to me you are not focussing your strategy on maximizing points. Try going less diversity and harder defenders. The other teams are doing that and they are beating you
And I actually think the individual war scoring system is fine. It's more the multipliers for tiers and the tiers that could be fixed. I play with people who have all the best champs yet are using all their items each war due to a lack of skill and sometimes it costs us. Having better champs does't mean that you will always win, skill is definitely important and I appreciate that it is factored into war results.
in this war, you lost because you died more times than the opponent. They might of got 3 boss kills but left defenders up, they can still win. Remaining defenders aren't worth much in points. You only got 750 points for having 3 left that weren't the boss. Thats not enough to overcome your alliances poor play in this war.
You guys are dying waaaaayyyyyy more than opponents. Only time you can win this way is if the other team doesn't get boss kills. The scoring doesn't need work, your offense needs work.