Accidentally Promoted Officer to Leader

Hi there. Hoping someone can help me. I accidentally promoted an officer to leader.
Problem is we are in the growth stage and I was trying to demote him. I have no contact with him and he has not accepted friend requests. He also hasn’t lived in in over 4 days.
I reported the code IMMEDIATELY after discovering in horror what I’d accidentally done.
This was simply a misclick. Not intentional. So far support has not been helping me get it reversed.
This is very disheartening to say the least.
Problem is we are in the growth stage and I was trying to demote him. I have no contact with him and he has not accepted friend requests. He also hasn’t lived in in over 4 days.
I reported the code IMMEDIATELY after discovering in horror what I’d accidentally done.
This was simply a misclick. Not intentional. So far support has not been helping me get it reversed.
This is very disheartening to say the least.
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Your only hope is in-game support. Hit the gear button and hope it gets worked out.
It seems like such an obvious simple fix. I just can’t believe this. Potentially a years worth of hard work flushed down the toilet because of chubby thumbs.
It’s like no one understands what’s going on! This is so upsetting. Surely someone understands.
It was seconds I realized the mistake and kknhte last when I contacted the Kabamm support. Yet hours later they are still unwilling to help or understand the issue.
Any suggestions people??
They keep telling me to go through the member in question.
They should be able to look at Alliance activity and immediately determine it was a mistake!!
This is crazy.
Just telling you that they probably will not prioritize this.
The only way we can contact this member is in game. They haven’t logged in in over 4 days and no one knows them. This
To say disheartening is a massive understatement.
to be devils advocated, they can't for sure if it's a mistake.
For example, if someone actually got promoted and you're just bitter about him so you are trying to demote him. They shouldn't just take your word for it.
Maybe you can ask everyone in your alliance to file a report and maybe that way they can be sure that it was a mistake and since member in question is not replying, they might be able to do something or make an exception for you.
Hope it works out for you.
Because they should be able to see that the first message he send in was very close after he was promoted. But even if we assume that they can't see at what time someone got promoted, they can see that the current leader hasn't logged in in a few days.
To the OP, support will demote him for you when his inactivity reaches a high amount of days. Obviously waiting for that sucks. I would suggest that not only you, but also your other officers and members make tickets. It's sad that that's needed, but I've heard stories where it helps.
I was the member who did the promoting/demoting
I’m not talking officer spots. I’m talking leader! The only way this would happen is by accident, or by hacking, or intentionally
Intentionally I wouldn’t be filing a ticket within seconds.
Hacking I would have reported as hacking
This was a MISCLICK!!!!
Kabamm is saying to contact the member directly! Which could be impossible. And if they are a casual player or a foreign language player they could log in multiples times to keep resetting the 30 day timer and never ever ever have to respond to any of our messages.
This is a massive mess and should be a simple resolution.
I'm sorry to hear this happened. Can you send me a direct message with the most recent ticket number you had with support?