One Year Later.....

Hello! I have been playing MCOC for roughly one year now and I thought I would share my account achievements as well as my thoughts on the game at this point.

A few things to keep in mind....
1: I typically play MCOC 2-3 hours per day. Sometimes more or less depending on circumstances.
2: I didn't grind many arenas until the last couple of months. Typically just the minimum rank rewards.
3: I am not free to play. I'm not a whale either though... if I see what I think is a good offer I usually pick it up.
4: I watch Seatin and BrianGrant on youtube a LOT. They both have a lot of very helpful videos and guides that allowed me to do things like Act 5, LoL, and RoL. I seriously wouldn't be where I'm at without them.

First lets discuss my roster:

I'm pretty happy with my current roster... there's no champion in particular that I need to progress further.

Secondly, here are my masteries. After watching a lot of youtube videos this is the setup that I like the best.


To me (correct me if I'm wrong) this seems like a fairly balanced mastery build. getting deep wounds to lvl 5 has helped me a ton since I rely pretty heavily on Gwenpool to clear things like the monthly event quest.

Thirdly lets talk about what I've accomplished over the last year.
1: I have completed act 5 100%. After pulling blade I desperately wanted the generic awakening gem from act 5 so I blitzed through it in a little over a week (lol) to get it. I thought 5.3 was harder but that might be because I had gwenpool to tear through modok and mephisto. Watching Seatin and BG helped me a ton here as they had tips to make it easier. I also knew what champions I would be facing which allowed me to change my attack team as needed.
2: I completed RoL. Which honestly wasn't that hard to do. I used my 4* Starlord and 3* Guilly.
3: First LoL clear. I did this about 4 months ago with my 4* starlord. I ended up using about 2500 units and all of my admittedly small stash.. but it was well worth it IMO. LoL 100% will probably take me awhile.

Here are a few comments I have about problems I've run into and the current state of the game.
1: Gold, gold, gold, gold GOLD!!!! Seriously, I didn't used to have much of a problem with gold... until recently. Now I have to grind arena like a madman for a week to be able to rank up one 5*. I feel like a fair solution would be to increase gold from battle chips as well as questing. I hate grinding arena but I also realize that Kabam can't just hand us everything. Grinding should be rewarded with appropriate rewards.
2: AQ changes (AKA, Sentinels) After going through map 5 with sentinels I don't foresee having much of a problem with them. my gwenpool still rips through them just fine. But what is day 5 going to be like?? I definitely think that the rewards should be buffed. Anytime you increase difficulty the rewards should also be increased. That being said, I think the sentinels will be just fine and people will get used to fighting them.
3: Bugs. There are a LOT of bugs in this game. I understand that you won't be able to fix all of them because it's a multi platform game. That being said, there are some MAJOR bugs that need fixed ASAP. For example, losing control of champions, AI recovering quicker than they should, blocks randomly dropping, getting hit trying to double evade back, ect. These have all been well documented and should be given priority over releasing new content IMO.

Overall I really enjoy this game. I'm in a good alliance that does 5x5 and the rewards are good. I enjoy the challenge of the monthly event quests and occasional challenges like the last boss rush. I doubt I'll still be playing in another year but we'll see :) Hopefully you enjoyed reading this. cheers


  • StackedFurysStackedFurys Member Posts: 47
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    What an interesting read over!

    Thanks for the constructive feedback on the different aspects of the game. We appreciate you taking the time to write it all out. With that, we're also glad you've enjoyed the game despite a hiccup here or there. It's always interesting to see the different way players go through the content, so again, thank you for sharing that! :)
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    Would you mind if I copy your masteries? Lol
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    I envy that 5 star roster
  • TonedefTonedef Member Posts: 137
    Haha, me too. I’ve been playing longer and mine pales in comparison.
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    I'm playing from 3 years and i can say you have a good 5* roster than me
    I got 35 unwanted 5* whom i can't even rank up and used even generic awakening gem
    Luck is a terrible thing but hope is a good thing
    Still playing so that i can someday pull some good 5* and use my rank up gems with awakening ones
    FYI i also completed LOL with 4* SL and 100% act5 already
    Grinded arenas to get 5* shards but all wasted
    Now i only do wars and aq. no much rush to grab everything cause more you go fast the more disappointment you get when you don't get what required
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    I know nobody want to hear this but in time the gold problem takes care of itself if you play arena. The first year or so all you do is rank up champs..of course it's going to eat up tons of gold.
    Also reinforces my thoughts that people are able to progress to quickly. That's a crazy good roster for 1 year. I'm sure he worked his tail off but shows how the game has changed. Lots of people's first year we couldn't dream of a 5*. I could be totally wrong though. Congrats
  • fiddlefaddle99fiddlefaddle99 Member Posts: 20
    thanks guys! My 5* luck has been crazy recently... in the last month or so I pulled Gulk, Blade (1/2 featured crystals), Sentinel, taskmaster, and Hela. I also pulled 4* Starky and ghost rider to go with my blade :) I've been grinding arena like a madman trying to get them all leveled up lol!
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 845 ★★★
    Been playing almost 3 years and my roster sucks compared to yours, my 5*s are mostly trash with a few good ones mixed in. So good for you!
  • MightylibraMightylibra Member Posts: 185
    You are very lucky with your pulls. Big difference are btw spending and non-spending players. Interesting to see you rank Rhulk ahead of Task Masters, Ghulk or Hela.
  • fiddlefaddle99fiddlefaddle99 Member Posts: 20
    DaMunk wrote: »
    I know nobody want to hear this but in time the gold problem takes care of itself if you play arena. The first year or so all you do is rank up champs..of course it's going to eat up tons of gold.

    Yes that's true. but if you look at a hardcore grinder like BG even he is starting to run out of gold. it wasn't that long ago that he had 12-14m gold. now he is down below 7m
  • fiddlefaddle99fiddlefaddle99 Member Posts: 20
    You are very lucky with your pulls. Big difference are btw spending and non-spending players. Interesting to see you rank Rhulk ahead of Task Masters, Ghulk or Hela.

    Yes spending makes a huge difference. I ranked Rulk right after his update (so before I got any of those other 3) and I don't regret it for one second. his damage is great and he's a beast in AQ thanks to his poison immunity
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    DaMunk wrote: »
    I know nobody want to hear this but in time the gold problem takes care of itself if you play arena. The first year or so all you do is rank up champs..of course it's going to eat up tons of gold.

    Yes that's true. but if you look at a hardcore grinder like BG even he is starting to run out of gold. it wasn't that long ago that he had 12-14m gold. now he is down below 7m

    They constantly run map 6 is why. That's a whole different animal. It's meant to be cost prohibitive.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    Great Job keep up the good work, pay no mind to the people talking about gold is not a problem. It is a problem, these other players who were here for those two amazing gold realms are in no position to lecture anyone about gold. Players were walking away from those events with 10M and 12M in gold. Which is why we probably haven’t seen any more of them

    You will never catch up in gold without some help, but again great job on your account it’s amazing.
  • CockatealCockateal Member Posts: 42
    I only have 4 2 stars, how long will it take for me to get a 5 star by playing one hour everyday? Thank you
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    Gaaaawd Dammmn. I've been playing for 2 years and my roster is not even close
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