Medusa's Armor Shattered and adaptation charges of AQ sentinels

Ou_YeahOu_Yeah Member Posts: 45
I was just wondering if there is a reason why armor shattered behaves differently between AQ sentinels and the main sentinel (the one summoners can collect). For AQ sentinels, armor shattered does not prevent adaptation charges from accumulating but it does for the main sentinel. Shouldn't the AQ sentinels also not be able to accrue adaptation charges as well?


  • PlagueisBanePlagueisBane Member Posts: 232
    because of class advantage against tech
  • PlagueisBanePlagueisBane Member Posts: 232
    this applies to all sentinels, class advantage reduces adaptation charges
  • PlagueisBanePlagueisBane Member Posts: 232
    armor shatter =tech sentinel= reduced ability accuracy, powergain and adatptaion charges

    armor shatter= all other sentinels = reduced abiility accuracy and power gain only.
  • Ou_YeahOu_Yeah Member Posts: 45
    Actually, class advantage only affects adaptation charges for the main sentinel. For the AQ sentinels, the class advantage basically prevents your attack from going down as theirs goes up.
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    Because spend more money
  • Ou_YeahOu_Yeah Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2018
    As for Medusa's armor shatter, it actually prevents the main sentinel from gaining charges at all. See this vid: The first two fights are against AQ sentinels (including a tech sentinel), but the fight at 1:45 is against the main sentinel. Armor shattered prevents adaption charges in the latter fight but not the former.
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    edited April 2018
    It also works against all Senteniels in the Event Quest (mystic included - class disadvantage). They just thought doing it for AQ would make too much sense
  • vikasjoshi9617vikasjoshi9617 Member Posts: 49
    Well armour shatter vs skill sentinal = purification.
  • vikasjoshi9617vikasjoshi9617 Member Posts: 49
    I thought Medusa has 100% ability accuracy of robots on armour shatter. How did that got purified??
  • Ou_YeahOu_Yeah Member Posts: 45
    Repto23 wrote: »
    It also works against all Senteniels in the Event Quest (mystic included - class disadvantage). They just thought doing it for AQ would make too much sense

    Actually the two "AQ sentinels" in the vid I posted are actually the non-boss sentinels from the event quest, which are the exact same ones used in AQ. So the adaptation charges do increase with armor shatter there for the non-bosses.
  • Ou_YeahOu_Yeah Member Posts: 45
    I thought Medusa has 100% ability accuracy of robots on armour shatter. How did that got purified??

    Because Kabam
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