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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Who should i rank up?

So I have the resources to rank up the following champs but cant decide which one:

4* Rank 2 Unduped Magneto marvel now (not keen)
4* Rank 2 Unduped Iron Fist
4* Rank 2 Unduped Colossus (not keen)
4* Rank 2 Unduped Ms. Marvel

I have juts pulled a 4* nightcrawler so i think i would prefer him as my mutant option & i have a 4* Rank 1 Unduped winter soldier rim about to rank up.

I do also have a 4* Rank 3 Unduped Star Lord & 4* Rank 3 Unduped Yellowjacket that i like to use.

Any thoughts?


  • Options
    Azrael908Azrael908 Posts: 16
    Ms Marvel is a beast... even unduped she is a great champ... that is, unless you mean Kamala Khan lmao she is trash XD also... I'd definitely do NC over Mags
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