Kicked from alliance after 5 wars at no rewards.

This happened to me, was slightly offline for a bit but was kicked after was ended didn't even get rewards. Plus to late to get 5 matches with new alliance hardly think this is fair!!!!


  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    Yeah it is fair it insures you contribute as much as the rest of the alliance sure there can be tweaks but unfair is hardly the word I would use
  • ReggieReggie Member Posts: 221
    I would hope they didn’t kick you out before you received your season rewards, especially if you helped to reach those goals. What bracket did your alliance finish in?
  • vodkaknight777vodkaknight777 Member Posts: 8
    Think they were gold 2 or 3 , I was about inactive for about a day but other than that I was fine would often take down bosses just thought it was about lame and it could be abused. But again can't have ppl just doing the 5 wars leaving joining another one and expecting awards from all the alliance they were in
    . Would need to be reviewed. Maybe you get one set of rewards or something.
  • IwantwarrewardsIwantwarrewards Member Posts: 2
    Me too. Got 9 wars and still did not get rewards
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    Advice: join an alliance, prove your worth in the offseason, become an officer, this way only 1 person (leader) can kick you. Or, start your own alliance. Also, contribute usefully ( no trash defenders, don't sit on home, don't run into noded tiles and blow through all three champs without trying, don't follow paths and not hit open tiles or portals, etc.) Easy.
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