The AI has been twisted to be Super defencive

-The AI in alliance questes is not the same . nothing to say about the sentinels who don't fair their specials i was suprised when i noticed the regular champions are becoming crazy defensive along with all the bugs going on it's making the game a bad environement.. i'm baiting 3x longer than before
-also dashing back isn't working the same when an oppennent dashes at me my dash back is taking like 2sec longer to register and therfore they can combo me or in a good situation hit me on guard ..
-also dashing back isn't working the same when an oppennent dashes at me my dash back is taking like 2sec longer to register and therfore they can combo me or in a good situation hit me on guard ..
letting them get full bars means they can fire off a SP2 (which becomes unblockable if their charges reach 40) and then they immediately fire off an SP1, which granted is evadable but you know our champs reaction and recovery is not as fast as the AI and we will surely get tagged by the special, easier to bait SP1, especially with mystic sentinels and their power gain.