Would you like to be able to trade resources with your mates?
I think it will be nice if players could trade resources between them like i give to a mate some glory and he gives me back some gold.(By resources i mean Gold/Battle Chips/Glory and maybe crystal shards)
What do you think?
What do you think?
Would you like to be able to trade resources with your mates? 33 votes
Things like that could work, or make the treasury a bank, where you can withdraw resources from?
Not much to exploit with BC, Gold, Loyalty etc.
You see, a long time ago, premium and featured crystals could be gifting whenever and wherever a person wanted to. But now they can't and the reason was simple: It was somehow exploited by certain players in a way I still don't know today. Chances are if 'trading' resources were to be implemented in some way, shape or form, history would likely repeat itself again (and this is also disregarding how it could possibly effect player progression as a whole eg. Like the introduction of Crystal shards + Catalyst fragments).