Does nameless Hyperion is broken (uncollected event)

Hi, does anyone notice or reported that nameless Hyperion is broken, the node says , special will have 400% damage but The damage is normal not 400%. I checked in arena fight to confirm the damage.

No bro. It's hype who gains 5% more ability accuracy per power bar. But make no mistake, there is also strike back, where successful sp damage gives hype a new power bar, so using vision's sp1 is pretty much useless..
vision (aou) not a viable champ against dark hyperion. Hood, Dorm, DV, SW, Magik, Morningstar, Thor Jane, Juggy and Vision (OG) more viable...perhaps gwenpool too if can keep the enervate (power lock) going.
I actually thought it was a very creative "boss-rush" style set of buffs on him that made the fight challenging. At the end of it all, I found my bleed team worked best (Blade's SP2 worked wonders). Still needed a few revives to 100% explore it simply because Hype doesn't always take the bait on his specials and one SP3 was usually enough for him to 2-hit end the fight...
This is nameless Hyperion's health after he has taken..
SS sp1 (Although SS is only on R3 so didn't expect it to do much damage)
DV sp1
Hulk sp2
Storm (R4 sig 120) sp2, sp1 and another sp1
(I know my Storm and with 400% power increase he should have been down and out)
GP got the power increase everytime on sp1 but not on sp2
(Just to show I explored 100% and it happened everytime except the last fight)
(This is the last time I fought him)
GP sp3 (GP became unresponsive after he hit her with his sp3)
Storm sp3 finished him off straight away
Normally sp3 doesn't seem to get any additional damage with the 400% increase.. I'm wondering if they have tried to fix that and caused problems with sp1 and sp2 power increase..
For either version of Vision, their basic SP1 and SP2 cause zero damage. However, if they connect, then they also inflict a power burn for direct damage. This means:
1 - You can't get critical hits (at all) with Vision's special attacks.
2 - If your opponent blocks, then no power burn = zero damage.
3 - If your opponent has ability accuracy reduction which activates, then no power burn = zero damage.
4 - If your opponent has zero power, then no power burn = zero damage.
5 - If you are affected by a Power Shield node (Power shield prevents you from doing any damage from regular attacks, but your special attacks do 400% more damage) then your specials still don't deal any normal damage (400% of zero is still zero); and (unfortunately) your subsequent Power Burn damage isn't affected.
Vision's special 3 does deal regular damage (and can't be blocked), so 1-5 above don't apply; and this attack will be effective against nameless Hyperion or other champs on a Power Shield node. The SP3 will also inflict a Power Burn for AoU Vision, but the Original Vision (you know, the one people actually paid money for) has been bugged for over a year, and doesn't inflict a Power Burn with his SP3 at all.
Hope that helps you deal with him. 👍☺️
Example: If you use a champ like Drax or Wolverine, their Special three inflicts bleed. The initial SP3 damage is increased by 400%, but the bleed damage isn't (on the other hand, their normal attacks, which inflict zero damage, can nevertheless inflict bleed; making them good champs against nodes like this).
Direct damage is applied directly to the opponents health and is unaffected by armour or physical resistance. So if an opponent is on a safeguard node limiting them to 1% health damage, Vision's power burn bypasses this completely, and can inflict the usual damage. Given this ability, and the fact that when you time it to drain maximum power, his SP1 & 2 cause quite a lot of damage (albeit with no chance of a critical effect), Vision is an excellent long-term champ. Just don't use him on Power Shield nodes. 😉
I can confirm MANY TIMES OVER that all bleed and poison from specials carry that 400% boost