9 MILL ALLY REBUILDING. 4-5 SINGLES. MAP 55444. 2 WARS. Silver 2 gonna go gold next season

We are a sister ally with people moving around tomorrow, so we are looking for joiners Saturday 7th.
Active ally doing map5 444. Bounce expert and advanced rewards which are tops. 3 bgs, set
Wars 2. One 3 bgs other 2 bgs.
Active players not obsessed or we would be doing map 5 X 5 lol.
Expect to see 5s r3 and 4s 5 50s only in your profile-minumum 9 good champs for a strong defense in aw.
We like the game and a joke.
Please have line app at miminum for bg moves as the in game is a pain with scrolling.
Contact didothehunter on LINE or tank0107


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