10.1M 5x5 Expert Alliance - Looking For Replacement - AW Gold 2
We are an active 10.1M international alliance looking for a replacement to join us for new AW Season. Ideal candidate will have Map 5 experience and be able to carry their own weight on days 4/5 as well as AW. Someone with great communication skills will be an asset to our alliance. We do AQ 5x5 Expert tier (100M+) and AW 3 times a week. We are currently AW Gold 2 mostly because we were only running two AW per week. Looking to make the push for AW Gold 1 in season 2. Participation in Completion, Item Use, and duels is mandatory, the rest are encouraged. Must be able to respect others and follow directions from officers.
9 4* R5 Champs or higher
-4.5K Prestige minimum
-Map 5 experience in expert is required
-Line app required
-Donations; 100k Gold, 30k BC, 13k LC
Message me in Line App; Line ID- unseen.damage
9 4* R5 Champs or higher
-4.5K Prestige minimum
-Map 5 experience in expert is required
-Line app required
-Donations; 100k Gold, 30k BC, 13k LC
Message me in Line App; Line ID- unseen.damage