An Easier Way To Get Four Stars

Have you been looking at other peoples accounts and wanting the four stars they have. I think there should be a easier way to get four stars round about the time your on act 3. Who agrees?
Look the alliance Tiers in A-Wars and looks how many 4* shards are rewarded per win-lose.
Assume an average alliance should win 2 and lose 1 per week then do the maths.
Then joins actives Alliances chasing one in the Tier wanted for you.
Most shards would come from here.
Don't try Arenas wanting champs, except if you have already built a roster and cutoff are realistically possible for you.
Except if you only want shards and this cutoff do is possible for you.
The big problem here are, you should be able to be recruited in that kind of alliance and/or you should already have a good roster for arenas. In my experience, you can reach the first one before the second one.
Masteries. That's how. Especially suicides.
That means 1000 and 400 a week