Looking for grinders to join 6+mil Alliance

Looking for grinders to join our Main Alliance [GO-ML]

6+mil alliance active in AQ and AW
100k minimum rating. LINE required.
Season 1 AW we ended and Gold3
With a war rating at 905.
Currently donations are not required but
Are accepted. AQ we try to start with Map
5 and then cruise with Map 3.
We also participate in other events.
SA we open/level/rank until we hit 340k then hold till next SA. Rewards weekly.
Overall, really cool alliance with good people.

Contact: In game- killerz21
LINE- killerzyo2147
Or: In game- Mackfrenzy
LINE- Mack


  • RoStMaRoStMa Member Posts: 69
    Have one more spot available at the moment. Don’t miss out.
  • RoStMaRoStMa Member Posts: 69
    Spots had filled out. So a couple more moved to our second alliance. Leaving two open spots in our main alliance. If you’re s grinder and want those rewards. Contact us and get in.
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