[-M•D-] Marvels Dimwits - 4mil Alliance Looking for Growing Players

Hey everyone! The Dimwits have completely established themselves as an alliance, we are at a full 30 members going hard at AQ and AW. However, we are on the market once again for a few players as some members are stepping away and others are underperforming.
Lets take a look at where we are right now.
and what we are looking for.
If you are interested add me at Poisonvirgo on the line app. Keep on having fun!
- Poison
Lets take a look at where we are right now.
- Organized and progress oriented
- AQ Map 2x5, No Donations, Advanced Tier ~3000
- AW Tier 11, 1045 Rating. Season 1: Silver 1
- SA every other week
and what we are looking for.
- Participation in AQ and AW DAILY unless notified.
- Particiaption in events.
- Line App for communication.
If you are interested add me at Poisonvirgo on the line app. Keep on having fun!
- Poison