Slow loading Process

hey everyone!.my name is Azar. i have played this game for 1year..this game is so awesome im so addicted to this i have 1 issue in this game..thats..loading proces..this very slow..because lot of loading proces..please reduce the loading proces..if i like to play versus. its 7time loading in game..thats why i hated in this game...i begging you to.reduce the loading process..Please..its make me so angry...If you fix this& reducing the loading process.everyone can play..faster than faster its also help to its my kind request.PLEASE REDUCE THE LOADING TIME PROCESS


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Load times take 15-25 seconds in android devices, and 2 seconds on ios devices.
    Is not a bug, is how they designed it to be.
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