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Does Phoenix need to be buffed?



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    GbSarkarGbSarkar Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    edited June 2017
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    CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    GbSarkar wrote: »

    This really changed my point of view on things. Thanks for the deep thought.
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    NebulaNebula Posts: 163
    Buff Phoenix
    HeroBoltsy wrote: »
    Perhaps I misworded my comment. I meant to say that you should resolve your differences in a respectful manner. If this is the case, I'm sorry for causing this misunderstanding. If you're trying to end this discussion, then perhaps the best thing to do would be to just not partake in it any longer. Just another user trying to help.

    Nebula is also calling me out in each of these comments, or I would just leave. She's calling me misguided and a supporter of women-hating and things like that. I'm simply retaliating by saying I'm not and asking for it all to end.

    No, I said you voted for one of those. There is a difference. You brought politics into it.
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    NebulaNebula Posts: 163
    Buff Phoenix
    And you did not demolish my points. You just ignored them.
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    CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Nebula wrote: »
    HeroBoltsy wrote: »
    Perhaps I misworded my comment. I meant to say that you should resolve your differences in a respectful manner. If this is the case, I'm sorry for causing this misunderstanding. If you're trying to end this discussion, then perhaps the best thing to do would be to just not partake in it any longer. Just another user trying to help.

    Nebula is also calling me out in each of these comments, or I would just leave. She's calling me misguided and a supporter of women-hating and things like that. I'm simply retaliating by saying I'm not and asking for it all to end.

    No, I said you voted for one of those. There is a difference. You brought politics into it.

    No, you did call me misguided and said I had poor judgement. I, for the fifth or sixth time, only used politics as an analogy of how the majority doesn't always get what they think is right.

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    CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Nebula wrote: »
    And you did not demolish my points. You just ignored them.

    I did. Right here:


    You are the one ignoring what I say, not the other way around. I've responded to everything you've said.
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    CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Spirit wrote: »
    Nebula wrote: »
    She needs to be on par with Drax or Anglela, if not Hyperion. All the comic powerhouses such as Dormammu and Thor are quite powerful and Phoenix, who's stronger than both gets left in the dust. Her special damage needs to be increased as well. Only her l3 hits hard.

    Okay, Phoenix is better than Drax. I have them both, and I'd definitely rather have Phoenix if I had to choose. The argument of "She's very strong so she should do insane damage" just doesn't work for any Marvel game. If it did work based on actual character strength, Hulk, Abomination, Wolverine, Deadpool, etc etc would be unstoppable while Hawkeye, Captain America, and Punisher would be worthless. There has to be a small range of usefulness for each character. This is already a problem since characters like Luke Cage suck, and making every character that hits hard in the comics hit hard in the game is a very bad direction to go.

    I am not sure about that buddy. Drax is definately a damage output beast with his Bleeds and Fury(My opinion).
    And second what the hell do u mean by Capt America would be worthless. in an alternate timeline he literally establishes an Empire on the world that is responsible for mantaining peace and justice.

    In a 1 v 1 game, Cap would be garbage against anyone like Hulk or Deadpool. They would obliterate him.

    I just don't find Drax to be good. His Bleed is great, but triggers too rarely. I have him as an unduped 5*, so Fury isn't too helpful because he gets 2 at the most. I'd rather use my Crossbones any day. Phoenix has better Fury since my Drax is unduped, and won't be duped unless I get super unlucky next 5* crystal.
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    CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Lol, you just did it again, Nebula. I beat out your points, and you just stopped talking. Now, in a few comments, you'll probably just restate your points that I already disproved, and then I'll just give a link to this comment. Then you'll shut up for another few comments and restate your points that I already disproved and on and on and on. You're just trying to make me and Trump look bad. When you can't defend yourself and Hillary, you **** your pants and stop talking. I'll ask you again: Can we be done with politics? I didn't want to turn this into a debate, I just used politics as an example of how the majority doesn't always get what they want, which happened this election. I'm tired of this conversation because it's not even a conversation anymore. It's just you saying the same thing over and over, me responding the same way over and over, and then I get flagged for spam even though you don't. Let's just be done, okay?
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    GargameshGargamesh Posts: 66
    edited June 2017
    Lol, you just did it again, Nebula. I beat out your points, and you just stopped talking. Now, in a few comments, you'll probably just restate your points that I already disproved, and then I'll just give a link to this comment. Then you'll shut up for another few comments and restate your points that I already disproved and on and on and on. You're just trying to make me and Trump look bad. When you can't defend yourself and Hillary, you **** your pants and stop talking. I'll ask you again: Can we be done with politics? I didn't want to turn this into a debate, I just used politics as an example of how the majority doesn't always get what they want, which happened this election. I'm tired of this conversation because it's not even a conversation anymore. It's just you saying the same thing over and over, me responding the same way over and over, and then I get flagged for spam even though you don't. Let's just be done, okay?

    So just to get this right:
    He stopped talking and you made this long ass post to convince him to stop talking?!

    Interesting... ^^
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    NebulaNebula Posts: 163
    Buff Phoenix
    Lol, you just did it again, Nebula. I beat out your points, and you just stopped talking. Now, in a few comments, you'll probably just restate your points that I already disproved, and then I'll just give a link to this comment. Then you'll shut up for another few comments and restate your points that I already disproved and on and on and on. You're just trying to make me and Trump look bad. When you can't defend yourself and Hillary, you **** your pants and stop talking. I'll ask you again: Can we be done with politics? I didn't want to turn this into a debate, I just used politics as an example of how the majority doesn't always get what they want, which happened this election. I'm tired of this conversation because it's not even a conversation anymore. It's just you saying the same thing over and over, me responding the same way over and over, and then I get flagged for spam even though you don't. Let's just be done, okay?
    Pathetic that you think I'm going to waste my Sunday arguing with internet trolls.
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    CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Nebula wrote: »
    Lol, you just did it again, Nebula. I beat out your points, and you just stopped talking. Now, in a few comments, you'll probably just restate your points that I already disproved, and then I'll just give a link to this comment. Then you'll shut up for another few comments and restate your points that I already disproved and on and on and on. You're just trying to make me and Trump look bad. When you can't defend yourself and Hillary, you **** your pants and stop talking. I'll ask you again: Can we be done with politics? I didn't want to turn this into a debate, I just used politics as an example of how the majority doesn't always get what they want, which happened this election. I'm tired of this conversation because it's not even a conversation anymore. It's just you saying the same thing over and over, me responding the same way over and over, and then I get flagged for spam even though you don't. Let's just be done, okay?
    Pathetic that you think I'm going to waste my Sunday arguing with internet trolls.

    I'm the troll? I'm not the one who started a poll, then told anyone who answered and didn't agree with me that they were hijacking my thread. That was you. What I want is to have a discussion about a video game. I'm not here for politics. I used that as an example of majority not always winning, and that's the sixth or seventh time I've said that. You took what I said and started a political debate. You bashed Trump repeatedly, then when I proved you were wrong and bashed Hillary, you had no defense. You just waited till everyone forgot that I beat you out in the argument and bashed Trump again. I don't support Trump. I just don't think he deserves to be called what he isn't. I don't think anyone deserves to be called what they aren't. If someone jumped into this thread and called you a *'%+#(:%(%:$)%::\;$)$)$!!#!%! then I would defend you as well. I'm offering to end this conversation that you want to end, and you're calling me a pathetic troll. If me offering to end the conversation is pathetic, then you're pathetic since you want it to end as well. Or we could just agree that neither of us is pathetic and that we should move on with the discussion. Your choice.
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    NebulaNebula Posts: 163
    Buff Phoenix
    Nebula wrote: »
    Lol, you just did it again, Nebula. I beat out your points, and you just stopped talking. Now, in a few comments, you'll probably just restate your points that I already disproved, and then I'll just give a link to this comment. Then you'll shut up for another few comments and restate your points that I already disproved and on and on and on. You're just trying to make me and Trump look bad. When you can't defend yourself and Hillary, you **** your pants and stop talking. I'll ask you again: Can we be done with politics? I didn't want to turn this into a debate, I just used politics as an example of how the majority doesn't always get what they want, which happened this election. I'm tired of this conversation because it's not even a conversation anymore. It's just you saying the same thing over and over, me responding the same way over and over, and then I get flagged for spam even though you don't. Let's just be done, okay?
    Pathetic that you think I'm going to waste my Sunday arguing with internet trolls.

    I'm the troll? I'm not the one who started a poll, then told anyone who answered and didn't agree with me that they were hijacking my thread. That was you. What I want is to have a discussion about a video game. I'm not here for politics. I used that as an example of majority not always winning, and that's the sixth or seventh time I've said that. You took what I said and started a political debate. You bashed Trump repeatedly, then when I proved you were wrong and bashed Hillary, you had no defense. You just waited till everyone forgot that I beat you out in the argument and bashed Trump again. I don't support Trump. I just don't think he deserves to be called what he isn't. I don't think anyone deserves to be called what they aren't. If someone jumped into this thread and called you a *'%+#(:%(%:$)%::\;$)$)$!!#!%! then I would defend you as well. I'm offering to end this conversation that you want to end, and you're calling me a pathetic troll. If me offering to end the conversation is pathetic, then you're pathetic since you want it to end as well. Or we could just agree that neither of us is pathetic and that we should move on with the discussion. Your choice.

    My choice is not to reply anymore.
  • Options
    CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Nebula wrote: »
    Nebula wrote: »
    Lol, you just did it again, Nebula. I beat out your points, and you just stopped talking. Now, in a few comments, you'll probably just restate your points that I already disproved, and then I'll just give a link to this comment. Then you'll shut up for another few comments and restate your points that I already disproved and on and on and on. You're just trying to make me and Trump look bad. When you can't defend yourself and Hillary, you **** your pants and stop talking. I'll ask you again: Can we be done with politics? I didn't want to turn this into a debate, I just used politics as an example of how the majority doesn't always get what they want, which happened this election. I'm tired of this conversation because it's not even a conversation anymore. It's just you saying the same thing over and over, me responding the same way over and over, and then I get flagged for spam even though you don't. Let's just be done, okay?
    Pathetic that you think I'm going to waste my Sunday arguing with internet trolls.

    I'm the troll? I'm not the one who started a poll, then told anyone who answered and didn't agree with me that they were hijacking my thread. That was you. What I want is to have a discussion about a video game. I'm not here for politics. I used that as an example of majority not always winning, and that's the sixth or seventh time I've said that. You took what I said and started a political debate. You bashed Trump repeatedly, then when I proved you were wrong and bashed Hillary, you had no defense. You just waited till everyone forgot that I beat you out in the argument and bashed Trump again. I don't support Trump. I just don't think he deserves to be called what he isn't. I don't think anyone deserves to be called what they aren't. If someone jumped into this thread and called you a *'%+#(:%(%:$)%::\;$)$)$!!#!%! then I would defend you as well. I'm offering to end this conversation that you want to end, and you're calling me a pathetic troll. If me offering to end the conversation is pathetic, then you're pathetic since you want it to end as well. Or we could just agree that neither of us is pathetic and that we should move on with the discussion. Your choice.

    My choice is not to reply anymore.

    Okay, good, we're done now. Are you going to not reply to anything political or anything I say? Could we continue the Phoenix discussion?
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    SpiritSpirit Posts: 222
    Buff Phoenix
    Spirit wrote: »
    Nebula wrote: »
    She needs to be on par with Drax or Anglela, if not Hyperion. All the comic powerhouses such as Dormammu and Thor are quite powerful and Phoenix, who's stronger than both gets left in the dust. Her special damage needs to be increased as well. Only her l3 hits hard.

    Okay, Phoenix is better than Drax. I have them both, and I'd definitely rather have Phoenix if I had to choose. The argument of "She's very strong so she should do insane damage" just doesn't work for any Marvel game. If it did work based on actual character strength, Hulk, Abomination, Wolverine, Deadpool, etc etc would be unstoppable while Hawkeye, Captain America, and Punisher would be worthless. There has to be a small range of usefulness for each character. This is already a problem since characters like Luke Cage suck, and making every character that hits hard in the comics hit hard in the game is a very bad direction to go.

    I am not sure about that buddy. Drax is definately a damage output beast with his Bleeds and Fury(My opinion).
    And second what the hell do u mean by Capt America would be worthless. in an alternate timeline he literally establishes an Empire on the world that is responsible for mantaining peace and justice.

    In a 1 v 1 game, Cap would be garbage against anyone like Hulk or Deadpool. They would obliterate him.

    I just don't find Drax to be good. His Bleed is great, but triggers too rarely. I have him as an unduped 5*, so Fury isn't too helpful because he gets 2 at the most. I'd rather use my Crossbones any day. Phoenix has better Fury since my Drax is unduped, and won't be duped unless I get super unlucky next 5* crystal.

    I am sorry it was a reply to ur @if the game was like comics thing. And as far as CAPT. is concerned I could debate u 24x7 and still not get tired ( although I am pretty sure I wouldnt want Trump or any political **** to be involved).

    Well first of, Capt. has basically survived over 80 years gridlocked UNDER ice, shows his resilience.
    Second its basically his spirit (and morals) that make him great, I am pretty sure if he got down to it then he could survive more than a couple hits from Hulk.
    Third his shield is PRETTY strong.
    So I think he would do just fine but hey I guess u have a different opinion so I respect that and henceforth I dont think we should talk on this anymore. (PERIOD)

    And I think I agree with u on the CB part but I was just trying to tell u that Drax isnt all that bad, nothing else.
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    SpiritSpirit Posts: 222
    Buff Phoenix
    And as far as the fight is concerned........
    Lets all agree that Hyperion is the best cosmic champion RIGHT NOW and go home :pB):p

    (Honestly I have no idea why I decided to post this.^^)
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    CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Spirit wrote: »
    And as far as the fight is concerned........
    Lets all agree that Hyperion is the best cosmic champion RIGHT NOW and go home :pB):p

    (Honestly I have no idea why I decided to post this.^^)

    I don't have him, so I have no clue. But that Power Gain is the most annoying thing ever, so I'm gonna say he's amazing.
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    No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Posts: 471 ★★
    Buff Phoenix
    Phoenix isn't as bad as the ultimate garbage tier champs but she's down there close enough for sure. She might be great for guys messing around in low level content, but for most people in the high end content, i have never seen her used in Tier 1-2 AW, map 5-6 AQ, and have never witnessed anyone say, "Bro, Phoenix is a beast in Act 5.1 and 5.2." Where exactly do you go around perfecting her charges to unleash them on the poor AI? Lmao. I mean, if you got absolutely nothing else to use, okay but so many would be more useful than her, especially drax, everyday of the week.

    Okay, many champs aren't good for high-level content, but there are so many like Luke Cage that aren't even good for low-level content. When we complain about average champs needing buffed, people get mad that actual BAD champs don't get buffed. Like this 13.0 update where Civil Warrior was buffed and Ant-Man wasn't. People got really mad because somewhat good champs are getting buffed before bad ones.

    Yeah but why would I bother using Phoenix when o could use better champs even in low level content? I guess that's my point. For me she has no purpose on my roster except maybe prestige but that's soon going to be in the rear view mirror. Antman can at least be a viable option in AWD. But I don't know why you are arguing against bugging her? Wouldn't that just benefit all the players? I mean leave the prioritization of buff to the game team, you're wasting brain cells thinking like them for them for free.

    Um, if you don't have better champs. Some champs are better, some are worse. No need to say that if someone is worse, they need to become better. If I have a 4* Groot, and that's my only 4*, I'll use him even though he sucks. Because he's a 4 star. If you have better people, use them. I just don't think she should be buffed unless we're buffing those below her first.

    If you only have 4* groot but must use him even though he sucks, why argue against buffing him?
  • Options
    CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Phoenix isn't as bad as the ultimate garbage tier champs but she's down there close enough for sure. She might be great for guys messing around in low level content, but for most people in the high end content, i have never seen her used in Tier 1-2 AW, map 5-6 AQ, and have never witnessed anyone say, "Bro, Phoenix is a beast in Act 5.1 and 5.2." Where exactly do you go around perfecting her charges to unleash them on the poor AI? Lmao. I mean, if you got absolutely nothing else to use, okay but so many would be more useful than her, especially drax, everyday of the week.

    Okay, many champs aren't good for high-level content, but there are so many like Luke Cage that aren't even good for low-level content. When we complain about average champs needing buffed, people get mad that actual BAD champs don't get buffed. Like this 13.0 update where Civil Warrior was buffed and Ant-Man wasn't. People got really mad because somewhat good champs are getting buffed before bad ones.

    Yeah but why would I bother using Phoenix when o could use better champs even in low level content? I guess that's my point. For me she has no purpose on my roster except maybe prestige but that's soon going to be in the rear view mirror. Antman can at least be a viable option in AWD. But I don't know why you are arguing against bugging her? Wouldn't that just benefit all the players? I mean leave the prioritization of buff to the game team, you're wasting brain cells thinking like them for them for free.

    Um, if you don't have better champs. Some champs are better, some are worse. No need to say that if someone is worse, they need to become better. If I have a 4* Groot, and that's my only 4*, I'll use him even though he sucks. Because he's a 4 star. If you have better people, use them. I just don't think she should be buffed unless we're buffing those below her first.

    If you only have 4* groot but must use him even though he sucks, why argue against buffing him?

    I wasn't arguing against buffing Groot, as he does need a buff, I'm saying that I don't think Phoenix needs buffed. I was using Groot as an example of using champs that aren't the best if you don't have anyone better. If Groot is your only 4*, then you'll use him even though he sucks, because he's a 4 star. I think that Phoenix is fine as she is currently. I have Phoenix, and I think she's actually pretty good. I don't think she NEEDS the buff, but I won't be mad if she gets it. I'm just saying that if I got to choose between her being buffed and someone else, it would probably be someone else, depending on if that person was worse. Does that make sense?
  • Options
    NebulaNebula Posts: 163
    Buff Phoenix
    Phoenix isn't as bad as the ultimate garbage tier champs but she's down there close enough for sure. She might be great for guys messing around in low level content, but for most people in the high end content, i have never seen her used in Tier 1-2 AW, map 5-6 AQ, and have never witnessed anyone say, "Bro, Phoenix is a beast in Act 5.1 and 5.2." Where exactly do you go around perfecting her charges to unleash them on the poor AI? Lmao. I mean, if you got absolutely nothing else to use, okay but so many would be more useful than her, especially drax, everyday of the week.

    Okay, many champs aren't good for high-level content, but there are so many like Luke Cage that aren't even good for low-level content. When we complain about average champs needing buffed, people get mad that actual BAD champs don't get buffed. Like this 13.0 update where Civil Warrior was buffed and Ant-Man wasn't. People got really mad because somewhat good champs are getting buffed before bad ones.

    Yeah but why would I bother using Phoenix when o could use better champs even in low level content? I guess that's my point. For me she has no purpose on my roster except maybe prestige but that's soon going to be in the rear view mirror. Antman can at least be a viable option in AWD. But I don't know why you are arguing against bugging her? Wouldn't that just benefit all the players? I mean leave the prioritization of buff to the game team, you're wasting brain cells thinking like them for them for free.

    Um, if you don't have better champs. Some champs are better, some are worse. No need to say that if someone is worse, they need to become better. If I have a 4* Groot, and that's my only 4*, I'll use him even though he sucks. Because he's a 4 star. If you have better people, use them. I just don't think she should be buffed unless we're buffing those below her first.

    If you only have 4* groot but must use him even though he sucks, why argue against buffing him?

    I wasn't arguing against buffing Groot, as he does need a buff, I'm saying that I don't think Phoenix needs buffed. I was using Groot as an example of using champs that aren't the best if you don't have anyone better. If Groot is your only 4*, then you'll use him even though he sucks, because he's a 4 star. I think that Phoenix is fine as she is currently. I have Phoenix, and I think she's actually pretty good. I don't think she NEEDS the buff, but I won't be mad if she gets it. I'm just saying that if I got to choose between her being buffed and someone else, it would probably be someone else, depending on if that person was worse. Does that make sense?
    And I think she is awful. Feel free to have your own opinion.
  • Options
    CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Nebula wrote: »
    Phoenix isn't as bad as the ultimate garbage tier champs but she's down there close enough for sure. She might be great for guys messing around in low level content, but for most people in the high end content, i have never seen her used in Tier 1-2 AW, map 5-6 AQ, and have never witnessed anyone say, "Bro, Phoenix is a beast in Act 5.1 and 5.2." Where exactly do you go around perfecting her charges to unleash them on the poor AI? Lmao. I mean, if you got absolutely nothing else to use, okay but so many would be more useful than her, especially drax, everyday of the week.

    Okay, many champs aren't good for high-level content, but there are so many like Luke Cage that aren't even good for low-level content. When we complain about average champs needing buffed, people get mad that actual BAD champs don't get buffed. Like this 13.0 update where Civil Warrior was buffed and Ant-Man wasn't. People got really mad because somewhat good champs are getting buffed before bad ones.

    Yeah but why would I bother using Phoenix when o could use better champs even in low level content? I guess that's my point. For me she has no purpose on my roster except maybe prestige but that's soon going to be in the rear view mirror. Antman can at least be a viable option in AWD. But I don't know why you are arguing against bugging her? Wouldn't that just benefit all the players? I mean leave the prioritization of buff to the game team, you're wasting brain cells thinking like them for them for free.

    Um, if you don't have better champs. Some champs are better, some are worse. No need to say that if someone is worse, they need to become better. If I have a 4* Groot, and that's my only 4*, I'll use him even though he sucks. Because he's a 4 star. If you have better people, use them. I just don't think she should be buffed unless we're buffing those below her first.

    If you only have 4* groot but must use him even though he sucks, why argue against buffing him?

    I wasn't arguing against buffing Groot, as he does need a buff, I'm saying that I don't think Phoenix needs buffed. I was using Groot as an example of using champs that aren't the best if you don't have anyone better. If Groot is your only 4*, then you'll use him even though he sucks, because he's a 4 star. I think that Phoenix is fine as she is currently. I have Phoenix, and I think she's actually pretty good. I don't think she NEEDS the buff, but I won't be mad if she gets it. I'm just saying that if I got to choose between her being buffed and someone else, it would probably be someone else, depending on if that person was worse. Does that make sense?
    And I think she is awful. Feel free to have your own opinion.

    Okay, I can have mine, and you can have yours. I just didn't like that you were forcing yours on mine. We're done with that now.
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