Choosing between my 4*

Which should i choose
My 4*rank 2 max dupe moon knight or
4* Rank 1 max storm
Please give m suggestions
My 4*rank 2 max dupe moon knight or
4* Rank 1 max storm
Please give m suggestions
Follow up question: if these are the only 4 stars you have to choose from, how are they "max dupe"?
I want ur suggestion on whichone of the above to choose for my last member
What rank are they? R1,R2–R5
Are they dupped?
Who are in the other team?
What are you looking to complete with this team?
I.e my team is
5* SL, R4 dupped.
5* blade, R3 undupped
5* Magik, R4 undupped
5* gwen, R3 undupped
6* raccoon, R1 undupped
5* cap marvel rank 2 lvl 35 duped
4* abomination rank 4 lvl 40 duped
4* ms. Marvel rank 3 lvl 30 not duped
4* juggernaut rank 3 lvl 30 not duped
Which shud i choose next out of the following
4* moon knight rank 3 lvl 30 duped OR
4* storm rank 1 lvl 10 not duped