Greetings and good day. I wanted to add to this suggestion in hopes that it will be looked into.
Expanding the Experience bar and adding numbers: The no number system is bad, I am not maxed yet, not on my main or on my free-to-play and I can't tell you how many times I have pushed the limit trying to avoid using an energy refill or going to bed and come back to play and move 2 or 3 spaces and then, BAM! Level up and you lose out on that energy because you could not tell how far away from leveling up you where. I get so frustrated with that. That is something I would like to see added. You could easily move the energy and currency bars to the right and expand the level bar to include numbers 000001/999999. I play on multiple devices and there is plenty of room to the right to expand the summoners bar, energy bar and currency bar.
Expanding the Experience bar and adding numbers:
The no number system is bad, I am not maxed yet, not on my main or on my free-to-play and I can't tell you how many times I have pushed the limit trying to avoid using an energy refill or going to bed and come back to play and move 2 or 3 spaces and then, BAM! Level up and you lose out on that energy because you could not tell how far away from leveling up you where. I get so frustrated with that. That is something I would like to see added. You could easily move the energy and currency bars to the right and expand the level bar to include numbers 000001/999999. I play on multiple devices and there is plenty of room to the right to expand the summoners bar, energy bar and currency bar.
Thank you kindly