Best Counter for AQ Sentinels

Please post who you believe is the best against AQ sentinels, and which class type of sentinels.
also keep in mind Poison and Bleed lanes
also keep in mind Poison and Bleed lanes
Best Counter for AQ Sentinels 78 votes
For example I think SL is the best champ against science sentinels because he doesn't need to use specials or heavies to deal good damage.
Quake is also a great counter to all sentinels if you use her correctly.
x23 is still really useful, but I like Angela for any Sentinel that's not mystic. and for the mystic one i like LC or x23.
Blade with GR also
I dont know why you did not include them in your poll..,,,
Also, if you have a high rated Captain Marvel, so does she.
Sentinels are not villains.
Oh... I guess I was thinking of something else lol
All these sentinel solutions on here and you bring this noise?