Looking for Gold 1 Tier alliance

VimesVonlipVimesVonlip Member Posts: 177 ★★
Was just asked to move to a sister alliance of my current one to help strengthen them. Half the new alliance aren't uncollected and without really agreeing I was dumped out of the current/expected to accept the invite to the much weaker alliance, i accepted but after realizing that I'm losing out on SA rewards this week and expected to carry a much weaker alliance I'm not happy with the way it went down and I'm looking to move. Let me know if your interested.


  • Mr_ScrabbleMr_Scrabble Member Posts: 19
    Are you still looking?
  • BattleAddictBattleAddict Member Posts: 2
    13Mil Alliance, gold 1 (Rank 749)
    Add me ingame or on line if you're interested as I think we have a spot open
    Line Id: battleaddict
    Game Id: Battleaddict
  • SadalSadal Member Posts: 93
    Add me on line mcocsadal... gold 3 but war rating higher then any gold 1 alliance.... just slowly climbing up the ranks
  • KrakhaKrakha Member Posts: 8
    Vimes message on line under krakha
  • unseen_damageunseen_damage Member Posts: 165
    We may have a spot for you. Message me and we can discuss your needs vs ours.
    Line: unseen.damage
  • DrGonorrheaDrGonorrhea Member Posts: 44
    Hit me up on line: DrG
    13.6 mil
    All adults here that enjoy each other's company as much as wrecking in war.... Some of the time.
  • Mr_Rager27Mr_Rager27 Member Posts: 35
    Are you still looking for an alliance?

    We are 11-12 mil, AQ 5x5 and gold 1 AW.

    Hit me up in game or Line if interested. In game name: Mr. Rager27 - Line ID: mr.rager27
  • CarpyCarpy Member Posts: 95
    Hit me up on line at carpy16 we are a gold 1 aw and run 5x5 aq
  • CprgeminiCprgemini Member Posts: 1
    @BattleAddict are you still looking for recruits as I am looking for a solid alliance hitting AQ65555 and AW Gold1 or Platinum3
  • NosiemNosiem Member Posts: 195
    Anyone here looking to join?.. message me. Same name in game or Line.
  • isnerbabyisnerbaby Member Posts: 34
    11m alliance 5x5 gold 2 trying to make changes to hit gold 1 then grow from there.. no requirement to participate in events.. add me in game or on line @ isnerbaby
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